Sunday, August 19, 2012

Last from London!

Well its here. The last post that will be written from London. How crazy is that?? Can you believe that it has been a year?? I cant!! I don’t want to go back to Ashville. I cant even begin to explain how much of a shock to my system that it is going to be! I am used to being independent, doing what I want to do whenever I want to, and not answering to anyone. Moving back in with the parents is going to be…. Interesting. I think it will be a shock for both of us. Basically Im going to have to keep my big mouth shut! But Im sure I will hear a lot about “common courtesy” so it will “fun”. (that was the phrase right mom??) That means having a curfew that isn’t a set time. Cant wait.

Besides my living arrangement (I should add that I am grateful for a free place to stay!) the country will be hard to adjust to. Yes grass will be nice, but Ill be back to driving everywhere and being lazy when it comes to finding a parking spot. Im going to try to park out away from the doors. How lazy is it to find the closest parking spot, especially since Im used to walking a couple miles a day?? I walk EVERYWHERE and Im going back to driving everywhere. I am excited to drive though. I haven’t driven Lucy since last Sept. or August so that will be fun.

While I am excited for driving I am really going to miss public transportation. You can get somewhere without having to think. You just get on and sit until your stop. Its so nice, especially if Im tired. Oh Im a little nervous… Lucy is a stick shift. Haha. That may be interesting. If you see a red Yaris stalled on Fairmount… that will be me! The William Smith bumper sticker will be a giveaway too!

Another thing that is going to be hard is that I have NEVER been bored here. Ever. There are so many museums, events and things to always do. And the museums are QUALITY ones for FREE. I love free entertainment (especially if art is involved). There are not any National Galleries, Decorative art museums, or British Museums ANYWHERE remotely close to 14710. Im going to have withdrawals.

I guess that real life is going to start when I go home too. I have to get a full time job, which wont be too odd. I have always worked during the summer since I was 16, and worked during college. I guess the weird thing is that it is full time and year round. So it time to find a job so I can get my own place! I also have to proofread my thesis and get it to the binders. AND I have to go through my mountain of crap, considering I have 3 suitcases full of stuff here, my room full at home plus the overflow that has found its way into Katie’s room. Oh geez…!

The plan for this year is to figure stuff out. What I want to do, if I want my phd, if I do where do I want to go for it and what do I want it in, and basically make a decision on my next move. I wish that HWS had a PH.D program. I wouldn’t even need to stop and think about that. I miss undergrad still.

Did I make the right choice a year ago?? I think so. It took me SO long to commit to this journey and I made my choice at the last possible minute. Looking back Im glad I made it. I have no regrets in my life which I am very thankful for. If I wouldn’t have come, I would have regretted it later I think, and now that I have survived (and enjoyed!) this year I am even more relieved that I made the right decision. Christies itself… not what I excepted. In some ways it was for the better. It wasn’t as hard or intense as I thought it would be. In others it was for the worse. I felt that they were very unorganized which was SO frustrating. The course was good, I just felt like it was a survey course in a way but at a masters level. I did learn a TON but I feel like I could have learned more. Im still on the fence if I would recommend it or not. I think part of it was that HWS was SO awesome and a great educational experience that I am having trouble being fair to Christies. I could be the poster girl for HWS, but I don’t know if I would encourage someone to pick Christie’s based on the program. I did learn a lot though, but they could just do it a little better.

The experience that I would tell everyone to do is to live here. Oh my goodness I LOVE living in London. I love the British and the culture. LOVE. I love that every great European city is only a few hours plane ride away. The train system is amazing which makes exploring England so easy! I have been here a year and haven’t done all I that I wanted in England let alone London! If you cant live somewhere for a year I would tell EVERYONE to do a study abroad. Both Rome and London have taught me a lot about Italy, England, the world, America, life, and perhaps most importantly myself!

I moved to a new city in a different country and found myself in the Dragon’s lair. I found an apartment, moved alone, set up my utilities, cell phone, bank account, and became completely self-sufficient. I had skype so I could vent and panic, but I did it. All by myself. If I can do that I can do anything right?? I have gotten lost in train stations, villages, airports and cities but I always find my way WITHOUT the internet to help me! Dear America…. Bring it! I feel like I can handle anything!

I have definitely grown during the past year, but I think most of it happened after Christmas. One I am completely independent. I am completely comfortable doing things by myself. Where before I wouldn’t have done anything without someone along, I go to different cities and countries alone, and also go to sporting events, movies and shopping alone!

I am much more sociable in public. Being alone at the Olympics, on trains, at Galleries, the Queen’s Jubilee and other events cause me to interact more with others. I met the nicest Japanese man at the Gold Medal Match, a family on the train to Manchester, a guy on the way to Wedgwood, three guys on the way home for Manchester, a mom and little girl at the Queen’s Jubliee, and many others. Also Im not afraid to ask people for directions. I used to wander around forever just because I didn’t want to ask. Now I just go up to people and do it.

Also I have learned so much about my own culture and country. In Rome I was starting to but then we went home. 3 months away wasn’t enough and the language barrier was probably too large. Here I have started to see things that I love and don’t like with the USA. Being removed from it all gave me new perspective. Don’t get me wrong I still love the US of A, but some things are a bit over the top. I think we Americans are good at that and love drama. Here things are chill and reserved. I understand the stereotypes better. Before I didn’t really understand where some of them came from. Im not saying that they are all right but there is a hint of truth in some. We are such consumers, our vehicles are ridiculous, our politics are intense and so are our religious debates. I feel like perhaps the Brits are more accepting and not as judgmental.
I am interested to find out what my thoughts are as I land in Boston. Coming back from Rome I noticed how overweight so many people were, and how casually everyone dressed. But that was after being in Italy for 3 months, not Britain for a year. Europeans do have the iconic fashion and high level of dress. Britain doesn’t as much and thanks to their love of pubs, they aren’t known for their slimmest! It will be interesting to see what I notice!

Well I think that is it from London. Thanks for reading this throughout the year and thanks for everyone’s support! I loved the emails, messages, skype dates, cards, letters, and packages that you all have sent! This wont be the last post (ill post about the crazy trip home! And about my adjustment over the first week or so!) so keep checking back!


P.S up to this point the blog is 242 ½ pages long and 150,525 words long!

P.S.S Where it all began

Saturday, August 18, 2012

228 Days!

228 days. That’s how long I have been in the UK without being on USA soil (aka since I left after Christmas) And I have no desire to go back. American stereotypes are getting truer by the day. The British are SO polite I love them! (and so reserved. And quiet) Sometimes I think that I should have been British! I like them! They are crazy political (glad I have missed some of the stuff that I see people talking about on facebook!) and they are so polite to the opposing party. Just everything about them is polite. But they are honest too, which can be a good and bad thing!

This morning was a wee bit crazy. I re-arranged my suitcases and I got an extra pound for one of them! I have to fit in my makeup bag, the clothes im wearing, and my compy cord. I have 3 pounds in one and 2 in the other so hopefully that is enough! Im starting to get very stressed about getting through the airports with 3 suitcases, and 2 carryons. I basically have 150 pounds of luggage, plus a 23 pound carry on, plus a 19 pound carry on. Oh and I have to carry my compy. That is a TON of luggage. More than I weigh! Im going to have to get my army ant on! (they are the ones that can move a crazy amount of weight for their body mass right?)

After I did that I brought my clothes downstairs to sell them to the lady. She doesn’t take quilts, so I don’t know what to do with them because the local charity shop is under construction and opening Sept 1st (figures). Gah. So I sold back my stuff and then decided I was going to read my electric meter by myself instead of relying on someone else to do it for me. I lugged my chair and a huge art history book down the stairs and stood on my tippy toes. Success! Whoo!

Then I was off to the post-office to mail a packet to myself of all the letters/cards/notes I had received while I was here (the packet was HEAVY) and it had some papers that I may need sometime in there. Totally worth the 12 pounds to mail that home! I got the creepy annoying guy at the post office, not the nice funny one. Then I went to HSBC to put money in my account because my internet company ONLY takes UK debit cards. I just wanted to make sure there was enough plus a little extra in there. (ill get it back when HSBC sends me my check later!) Well the branch was closed on Sat. Really? So I came back to the apartment and found a branch on Bond street that was open.

I headed down there. It was HOT here today. 86 to be exact and SUNNY! It was nice, but the tube was a little uncomfortable! I found the HSBC quickly, deposited the money and got back on the tube. That was probably my last tube ride! :(

I came back and ate lunch then the fun really started… cleaning. Gah. It took me forever and I was so gross and sweaty by the end. My flat has never looked so clean though! But it also looks so empty. :( Poor thing. Cleaning didn’t actually take as long as I thought, which was nice. Then I went through the remaining stuff, took out my garbage and ate dinner. Phew! What a day!

Tomorrow is my last day. Im sad. And so SO incredibly stressed. Tomorrow is making sure everything is done, calling all of my utilities, finishing packing, cleaning, and throwing stuff away. Im skyping mom at 5, eating Chinese for dinner, and attempting to not freak out/stress about my journey the next day. Im dreading this one. It doenst help that I don’t want to leave and end up where I am going to end up!

More tomorrow!

P.S I am so SO poor. Im a grad student after all! If anyone knows of ANY job feel free to message me, email me or whatever! Ill do anything! (seriously anything!) Thanks!

Friday, August 17, 2012


Oh the joys of moving. What makes it even more fun is moving to a different country and having to FLY home. What a nightmare. Lets start with yesterday. Oh it was such a fun day! I had to go close down my bank account first. That sounds simple enough, but not in my life. What is making this SO hard is that everything gets done immediately in this country. Is it like that at home? My internet (who I called on Wednesday) said that it would stop within 24 hours. Umm… no thanks. I have to call back Sunday night. The electric company wants to charge me for every second Im there so I have to call them Sunday night. AND my landlord is supposedly putting my deposit in my account after I leave, along with the water company. (I paid for 6 months and only needed 5) Add that to the fact that you have to be there in person to close your bank account and that’s a problem!!

The HSBC guy was baffled. It took forever to figure out what to do. Basically he is breaking the rules and letting me keep my debit card (you have to turn it in) and I wrote a letter saying to close my account after my rent was deposited and they are sending me a check in sterling for me to put in my American bank. Oh my goodness. Complicated.

After the bank I went to Sainsburys and bought everything I cant get at home. Cadbury chocolate, strawberries with double cream, and digestive cookies. YUM! You know I am getting to be stressed and emotional when I got all teary when I left. Gah!! So pathetic!

I got home and decided to start packing (and it’s a good thing that I did). My suitcase up to 50 pounds and I had a TON of stuff left on the floor. Oh no. I look up carry-on policies on Aer Lingus and they just changed it and my backpack was too big. There goes putting all my books in a carry-on. Time for stress out mode. I need major help. And pronto.

That is where today comes in. I was on a mission to find suitcase number three. (yes you read that right! Number THREE) I headed to Sports Direct because online they had some styles that were 80% off and only 15 pounds. That is the right price! The store was a few blocks from the British Museum so I decided to pop in. It wasn’t all that crowded (which was nice) and it was nice and cool inside! (I forgot to mention that it was an awesome 85 today!!)

I only meant to be in there for a half hour or so, but ended up spending quite awhile in there! I looked at the Olympic medals (again), the free horse exhibit, the British rooms, contemporary Chinese ceramics, contemporary Chinese prints and the shop. The Shakespeare exhibit looked good but I didn’t want to spend 12 pounds to go in! After looking at everything I wanted to I decided to head over to the store to buy a suitcase.

I found it without a problem and went in. I wanted everything but stayed focused!! I walked around the entire thing (browsing along the way!) and found two suitcases that were too small and too much money. Epic fail. I knew that there was one on high holbon so I walked to Oxford Circus to take the tube. I got off and wandered around and couldn’t find it. GAH! I decided to try Primark (the bus had gone by it on the way there and I thought about getting off but didn’t). Well I should have because they had an entire section. EVERYONE was there it seemed. Apparently Im not the only one who has too much stuff. The hard shell ones were 28 pounds. Gah. Too much. I kept wandering and found a lonely soft shell one all alone…. 15 pounds. I grabbed it before it was too late and fought my way out!

I hopped on the bus and came home, packed my new suitcase and I was STILL over. (I did have to put 30+ pound of book in it) I have everything in except for the clothes Im wearing for the next few days (and my blankie) so I need to axe some stuff to get those clothes in. Im so close! Depressing.

So that’s it basically. That’s my life. More tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Random Last Things

So the last two days has been fun! I have been wandering around London and taking everything in before I go! It has been in the 70’s and sunny so I HAD to take advantage and not sit inside on my butt all day!!

Monday was errand day. I went to the Barbican library first to return so SO many books. It felt so good to give back a bag full of academic books about carriages and roads! PHEW!! The return guy was uber nice and friendly and told me to come back to the UK soon and stop in and use the library because my card will still be good! On the way out I stopped and looked at James Bond’s Aston Martin. It was outside of the James Bond exhibit and everyone was allowed to stop and look… so I did. I wish I could have stolen that car!!! It was awesome!

After the Barbican it was back to Christies for ONE. LAST. TIME!!!! I went into the library and it was craziness! There was construction everywhere but the compy room was still open. I sat down to print off my paper and… I didn’t have enough print credits. You have GOT to be kidding me! This always happens. So I walked over a block and a half to get cash and I only needed 5 pounds but you have to take 10 or ore out, and walked back and printed off my thesis. It was epic. One… the feeling of being done with the rough draft, and Two.. how thick it was! 79 pages all written by me, myself and I is PRETTY epic!

Then I returned my library books there, and had to go give Andrew’s book back. I got to his office and his lights were off so I just assumed he wasn’t there, put the book outside with a note, and RAN away. Phew! I walked out of the building and with a hop in my step! (a big contrast to HWS. I left in there in tears. Sums up my feelings for both experiences pretty well!)

I walked to Rymans for the last time and bought a poster tube for my puppet (random I know, but I think its going to work!) Then I headed home and crashed the rest of the day/night. I took my pictures off the wall and it is very stark in here. I don’t like it!

Today I went out again because of the sun and headed to my local Willesden Green library to return my books. I stopped at the desk and told them I was moving and had novels I couldn’t bring home and asked if they would like them. I got a “no” and a stare. Ok…. Since when doesn’t a library with basically no funding doesn’t take donations?? I asked where to bring them instead and I was told that perhaps a charity shop would take them… so I have to figure that out now too.

I then got on the tube and found myself at Bond Street Station. I decided to go into John Lewis. Their awesome advertising drew me in (their windows were epic and the building was one big Union Jack flag!) It is SO good that I have never discovered how awesome the store was before today. I wanted EVERYTHING. Im not lying. Even the kids floor was epic. They had legos everywhere. Lego Darth, Lego C-3PO, and Lego Tower Bridge. I wanted everything. I took pictures on my phone and cant figure out how to get them off so… it will probably be when I get home and get my hands on a microchip.

At John Lewis I caved. All of my resilience failed me. I stumbled (without even meaning to) into the land of fascinators and hats. It was so SO fun. I spotted mine as soon as I walked over. It was the color that I had wanted, and the general style. I picked it up and that is the moment I caved. I put it on and loved it! I decided that since I was there I would try on designer fascinators because when else would I? I tried on every single one I think! One was 250 pounds!!! WHAT!!?? I had a blast. So fun!

After my hat experience I touched every pair of shoes on display. I really liked a red hot pair of heels with a metal, gold heel. I looked at the price tag and almost dropped it. Who spends 399.00 on a pair of heels?? Really?? I left with my new hat in my FIRST EVER hat box. (not going to lie, that was just as cool as the hat) I went to Fortnum and Mason’s one last time (on this trip anyways!) I got Turkish Delight and Sugared Almonds (courtesy of dad!) and roamed around. I got a dish towel that I had wanted since I bought my sister one for Christmas and made SURE that I went to the till that had a guy in a tux. Again… where in Ashville does a cashier wear a full tux???

After that it was time to go home! I unpacked my stuff, wore my fascinator and started to pack. I couldn’t resist it anymore! I have all of my hanging clothes and all of my heaviest shoes in my one suitcase with 4-5 pounds to spare so far. I was relieved until I realized that all of the rest has to go in one suitcase. Im so nervous!

That’s it for today!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rough Draft is DONE!

Today I slept in and I feel like I wasted my day when I woke up. Gah. I think I made up for it since my rough draft of my thesis is OFFICIALLY DONE! Yup you read it right! D.O.N.E. Booyah! The essay, catalog, and comparatives are all done so tomorrow Im going to print it off so I can edit, and return some of my books. Phew. Im right on schedule, and ahead of my original one. I have 15, 746 words also which is good for me. Usually I have 10 words over the minimum word count! Haha! This time I have a 3, 646 cushion. I rocked this!

I have been thinking (sentimental stuff coming up) I really like London. When I first got here Rome better. Hands down. But after living here for a year…. Rome is in second. Rome is the “I want a vacation flat there so I can hang out” and London is the “if I was a millionaire I would live there” city. Some positive aspects:

1. The people are polite but honest, quiet on the tube and are nowhere near as ridiculous as Americans.
2. The culture here rocks.
3. Its SO clean. NYC is SO dirty!
4. Getting around is so simple, hassle free and painless! The tube is AWESOME!
5. The buses tell you what stop is next.
6. I like the character of the city. Its buildings etc!
7. Free daily paper. How awesome is that!
8. The 3 pound deal (sandwich, pop and chips (crisps actually))

Not so good qualities:
1. The tube stops at midnight. Gah.
2. There are no rubbish bins anywhere on the tube/at train stations.
3. The police sirens drive me CRAZY. They pierce my ears.

Im sure Ill think of more in both categories! Oh I just did… It takes 30 minutes to send something at the post-office. And that is a good day!

OK well Im off to watch the closing ceremony. Im so sad the Olympics are done. I LOVE the Olympics. Way to go USA women though! 58 of the 104 medals! I think London did an amazing job hosting the Olympics. Everything from Venues, Transportation, friendly people to help you, fast and easy entry to every venue, and way to go Team GB!! Best finish ever!!! Congrats!

A Warning!

So I am heading into my last week here and its time to get sad. This is a warning that this week’s blog posts may be sentimental! You cant say that I didn’t warn you!

Yesterday was a beautiful day! One of those awesome days that you just cant stand being inside (no matter how much work you have to do!) So although I didn’t have any reason to venture out, I decided to go enjoy the 78 degrees and sunshine before it went away! (Its supposed to rain until Sunday the 19th!) I decided to take the chance to start taking my “Everyday Pictures”. I did it in Rome and love that I have them so on the way to the tube I snapped pictures of the most random and ordinary things in Willesden!

I hopped on the tube, sat down and then realized that I had no battle plan. Oops! I decided to go to Westminster one last time. It was that crowded at all and the tube was easy to use still! I wanted to make it over to the V&A to see the torch replica so I decided to walk. It cant be that far right?? Wrong. I got to Victoria sweating, and had large blisters growing on my heel. I decided to change my plans and got on the tube at Victoria station since I wasn’t even at Sloane Square let alone South Ken. I got off at Oxford Circus and was going to Bond St instead of taking the tube one stop.

I was walking down Oxford Street and spotted Debenhams… I went in and went fascinator shopping! It was so fun. I think I tried everyone on! I want one even more now that I have seen them on me! They just look SO classy! I found one I really REALLY wanted and…. Put it back. Im so proud of myself! It was 30 pounds and who knew when I would get to wear it. Sigh. I think a fascinator is going to show up on my Christmas list! : )

I eventually got to Bond street station. There is a mall there and I did something I shouldn’t have… bought a Starbucks! It was amazing. I went in for a mocha frappe and came out with a raspberry, blackcurrent juice, green tea, and ice concoction. Oh my goodness it was so YUMMY! I inhaled it! If you like green tea I recommend it!

I finally got home and decided I should do work. I did my comparative images and was done with that!! It was such a fun day today! I did get depressed for a bit though. I going to miss this city.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Olympics: USA vs Japan…. Digging for Gold

Wooo!!! August 9th was finally here! US of A had made it into the Final after a crazy semi, and I had a front row seat. Couldn’t get much better than that! (Turns out that it could, but that will come later!) The game was at the historic Wembley Stadium…. The center of English Football and the womens team were playing on the famous pitch. It was bound to be epic!

5:30 seemed to take forever to come. I attempted to do work, but I don’t know why I even bothered. It was like waiting for Christmas morning and I was completely distracted. I read every article, knew the predictions, the things that had potential to trouble the USA and the things that were bound to help them. I could have been an announcer at that game!! Finally the time arrived and I got on my lucky Wheres Waldo outfit, snapped a picture to show everyone what they were looking for and headed out the door!

I got to Wembley Park tube stop without a problem. The tube actually wasn’t full at all, but the station was a little busy when I got off the train. I exited and went through the subway (in American English that is an underpass) and was on the Olympic Way. It was packed. But I walked right up to my entrance gate, walked right through, got my bag checked, and found my block. No waiting at all!

Although I arrived at 6:10 or so, I was still one of the first ones there. I like being one of the first ones because you can take pictures without being joustled. I asked a random guy to take mine and he was really nice about it. He took two for me even! Thank you mister nice guy in the row behind me! I hung out at my seat and people watched, read my football programme and waited for them to come out!

Hope Solo came out first and looked around, then went back in only to come out to warmup soon after. She seems to always be the first one out. Then came the rest of the team and I watched them warmup. They looked pretty good ad ready to go! While they were warming up the dumb presenters in the stadium was entertaining the crowd. Our row had to do the Usain Bolt pose twice so I was on the large screen as they panned down my row each time. Thankfully no one at home saw that!

The team went back in and 10 minutes later came out holding hands of 10-12 year olds. How I wanted to be one of those kids. Except I wouldn’t have let go of whosever hand I was hold, so that may be a problem! The anthems played, I sang along, and then the two Japanese men in business suits sang along to theirs. I was a little nervous about sitting next to them, but they turned out to be the sweetest and most polite people I have ever met! I also learned that I say Japan wrong. According to them (and they were Japanese so I think they must be right) its Yi-Pan, not Ja-Pan. See Im teaching you guys tons of stuff!

Kick off FINALLY happened and we were looking good. Dominating more then I thought we would and about minutes in Carli Llyod scored off of a crazy header in which she almost lost her head via Abby Wambach’s left foot! The stadium thought it was Abby until we saw the replay. What a goal!! The Japanese men politely said that the goal was a very good one… thanks. I was relaxed since we were up by one, although there were some close calls that the Japanese hit the woodwork on.

Halftime came and went and I was still relaxed. USA came out and were still doing well. There was one really close call that Amy had to body out of the goal box, but all in all we were holding our own. Then Carli Lloyd came dribbling down the field and the crowd was screaming. She had Abby and Alex right with her. Pass… Pass… PASS and she shot instead…. GOAL!!! Everyone freaked out. Pia went crazy and hugged everyone, the team went crazy. I was really relaxed now. A two point cushion against Japan. We needed that 2nd goal because I had a feeling Japan wouldn’t give up and they would score eventually. They did in the 60th or so minute. Then I was nervous. Japan was dominated and possessing the ball. We were stabbing and getting beat on the wings over and over ( you would think that after 20 times of the same run the USA would catch on. 10 minutes left Hope Solo made a HUGE save… and saved the game.

We held on and after 2 minutes of extra time the whistle blew. I have never heard a stadium roar that loudly. Everyone was on their feet waving American flags. (it seemed anyways!) The team was freaking out, Pia was dancing and hugging everyone. Flags came from everywhere and the girls picked them up, waved them around and cried into them. I was too busy taking it all in to really get pictures and videos, and the ones I got weren’t great. But they wouldn’t have shown the moment well enough anyways. Its something you have to be there for. I think everyone in my section had dry eyes until Megan Rapione popped up in screen in tears, then I think we all choked up a little. The Japanese men did a little bow and said congrats. (im serious. Most polite little men ever). I told them that it was a great game and congrats on the silver and they smiled and said thank you. What honorable losers!

The girls continued to walk around the pitch, belting out “We are the Champions” and Silverstein’s “Born in the USA”. SO fun! Then they left with their flags and champion shirts and we watched the podium get set up. While we were waiting a camera guy came over and filmed me chanting USA with my flag, but his camera must have not been live because I watched BBC and the people on my left were on, it cut to the studio, then the people on my right were one. GAH!!!! I finished watching the podium being set up. It kinda took the awesomeness out of the moment, but soon enough everything was set for the ceremony.

This is when my seat was the worst in the house…. The Press stood RIGHT in front of us. A old guy started yelling, and we all started chanting “down in front”. They didn’t move so eventually we were all standing on our chairs until the security people made us get down, so appreciate those press photos.

The ceremony was cool. Joseph Blatters was one of the medal giver people… Everyone in the stadium booed him and he stood there with a coy little smile. I googled him when I got home and in 2004 he had made a remark that in order for Women’s football to sell tickets, they should wear shorter shorts and low cut shirts. Why on earth did they pick him to give out the medals?? Im glad everyone booed him. (he was probably picked because he is an important FIFA person)

It took awhile for everyone to get their medals and flowers. I didn’t clap for Canada. They didnt deserve their medal and I don’t like their team. I clapped for Yi-Pan though and the Japanese men clapped for the USA. After everyone had their medals we turned and watched the flags go up. I have never heard so many people sing the anthem!

I hung around for a bit afterwards, but didn’t really see much. Just the players interviewing and there were so many cameras that I couldn’t see much. So I headed home. I walked outside and the entire Olympic Way was a sea of people. Oh geez. It only took 25 minutes though from being on the ramp at the stadium to being on the tube home. So it wasn’t too bad

Today I still haven’t calmed down. I bet the players haven’t then if I haven’t! I watched all the videos and looked at all the pictures from yesterday. So fun. I managed to get some work done and finished my thesis catalog today. Now I just have to do my comparative images tomorrow and I am ready to proof read. FINALLY!

My Olympics are officially over. I am so pumped that I got to do all that I did though! What an amazing two weeks it has been! Im going to save my pennies and go the womens soccer final in RIO now!!! : ))))))

P.S This picture is my favorite I think!