Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Random Last Things

So the last two days has been fun! I have been wandering around London and taking everything in before I go! It has been in the 70’s and sunny so I HAD to take advantage and not sit inside on my butt all day!!

Monday was errand day. I went to the Barbican library first to return so SO many books. It felt so good to give back a bag full of academic books about carriages and roads! PHEW!! The return guy was uber nice and friendly and told me to come back to the UK soon and stop in and use the library because my card will still be good! On the way out I stopped and looked at James Bond’s Aston Martin. It was outside of the James Bond exhibit and everyone was allowed to stop and look… so I did. I wish I could have stolen that car!!! It was awesome!

After the Barbican it was back to Christies for ONE. LAST. TIME!!!! I went into the library and it was craziness! There was construction everywhere but the compy room was still open. I sat down to print off my paper and… I didn’t have enough print credits. You have GOT to be kidding me! This always happens. So I walked over a block and a half to get cash and I only needed 5 pounds but you have to take 10 or ore out, and walked back and printed off my thesis. It was epic. One… the feeling of being done with the rough draft, and Two.. how thick it was! 79 pages all written by me, myself and I is PRETTY epic!

Then I returned my library books there, and had to go give Andrew’s book back. I got to his office and his lights were off so I just assumed he wasn’t there, put the book outside with a note, and RAN away. Phew! I walked out of the building and with a hop in my step! (a big contrast to HWS. I left in there in tears. Sums up my feelings for both experiences pretty well!)

I walked to Rymans for the last time and bought a poster tube for my puppet (random I know, but I think its going to work!) Then I headed home and crashed the rest of the day/night. I took my pictures off the wall and it is very stark in here. I don’t like it!

Today I went out again because of the sun and headed to my local Willesden Green library to return my books. I stopped at the desk and told them I was moving and had novels I couldn’t bring home and asked if they would like them. I got a “no” and a stare. Ok…. Since when doesn’t a library with basically no funding doesn’t take donations?? I asked where to bring them instead and I was told that perhaps a charity shop would take them… so I have to figure that out now too.

I then got on the tube and found myself at Bond Street Station. I decided to go into John Lewis. Their awesome advertising drew me in (their windows were epic and the building was one big Union Jack flag!) It is SO good that I have never discovered how awesome the store was before today. I wanted EVERYTHING. Im not lying. Even the kids floor was epic. They had legos everywhere. Lego Darth, Lego C-3PO, and Lego Tower Bridge. I wanted everything. I took pictures on my phone and cant figure out how to get them off so… it will probably be when I get home and get my hands on a microchip.

At John Lewis I caved. All of my resilience failed me. I stumbled (without even meaning to) into the land of fascinators and hats. It was so SO fun. I spotted mine as soon as I walked over. It was the color that I had wanted, and the general style. I picked it up and that is the moment I caved. I put it on and loved it! I decided that since I was there I would try on designer fascinators because when else would I? I tried on every single one I think! One was 250 pounds!!! WHAT!!?? I had a blast. So fun!

After my hat experience I touched every pair of shoes on display. I really liked a red hot pair of heels with a metal, gold heel. I looked at the price tag and almost dropped it. Who spends 399.00 on a pair of heels?? Really?? I left with my new hat in my FIRST EVER hat box. (not going to lie, that was just as cool as the hat) I went to Fortnum and Mason’s one last time (on this trip anyways!) I got Turkish Delight and Sugared Almonds (courtesy of dad!) and roamed around. I got a dish towel that I had wanted since I bought my sister one for Christmas and made SURE that I went to the till that had a guy in a tux. Again… where in Ashville does a cashier wear a full tux???

After that it was time to go home! I unpacked my stuff, wore my fascinator and started to pack. I couldn’t resist it anymore! I have all of my hanging clothes and all of my heaviest shoes in my one suitcase with 4-5 pounds to spare so far. I was relieved until I realized that all of the rest has to go in one suitcase. Im so nervous!

That’s it for today!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun time! I am so glad that you could bring all your books back! Yay! And seriously what library doesn't take free books? That's crazy!

    Fun shopping day also :). Sounds like fun purchases!
