Friday, September 30, 2011


I knew it. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. Today was an epic fail. Almost as epic as Stromboli. Since 11am (until 6:30pm) I have ran around the city looking at places and they were all HORRIBLE. Sigh. I cant find anywhere decent. The one I was excited about in Earls Court turned out to be bad also. Apparently you were paying on the location for that one. I guess Im going to have to up my price range. Don’t know how ill pay for that one. Gah. No wonder people put up with Dragon Lady.

After walking around the ENTIRE west end of the city, Betsy and I started (at 6:15) to go to our reception at Christies. At 7:30 we still had not arrived. We got SO lost. We walked around Sloane Square and South Kensington for an hour or so after walking around all day. Im so tired. My feet HATE me! We decided to go to a pub again and I had a burger, fires and a pint of cider for 10 pounds. Not too shabby.

I came home and once again was cruising the internet to find housing. I may have found some good student housing. Pricey but it looks nice.

New Developments of the Dragon Lady:
1. After my shower I leave the bathrug on the floor… it somehow ends up back on the side of the tub every morning
2. She hates the new water fountain in the middle of the square. Its diabolical. Really??
3. I am sweating every night because I cant open my windows in my room. A robber could climb the fence into the window and rob us. Sigh

Im sorry this is such a lame post but I am so tired. Im off to bed!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

First Day of School

So for those of you who know me… I absolutely loathe the first day of school. Kindergarten was scary, I didn’t sleep before 7th grade not knowing where my locker was,(for those of you that know Panama that’s just pathetic), I said I was NEVER going back to 9th grade and every year at HWS I didn’t sleep afraid that I would over sleep my alarm. First days of school are traumatic. The only nice thing is that you get to wear new clothes. Today was no different. Not only did I have to get out the door on time I had to get myself through the tube stations to 123 Great Titchfield Road. My stomach hurt the ENTIRE way and my cheerios for breakfast didn’t get eaten until lunch.

I got to school and….. I liked it. How crazy is that! Thank goodness that Betsy is here though. It would have been worse not knowing anyone and feeling like I had NO friends! At least I have one! We were shuffled from room to room and listened to one talk after another. I got completely bombarded with information but I figure I can always figure things out as time goes on. It turns out that having a Dragon Lady for a housemate is a very good conversation starter. Who knew. I asked lots of people where they were staying and how they found their place. I actually talked to people. Again people who know me… that doesn’t happen. (for proof contact Katie Bus… my first year Roomie.)

After lunch hour we took a tour of the area and learned about the architecture. After walking around for 2 hours out tutor (tutor not professor… that will be odd for a while) asked if anyone wanted a cold drink at the local pub. So… I got my first true English pub experience. Basically if I lived here forever I would be addicted to the hard cider. Yum! No worries though I wont! My first half-pint of cider was 1.65. Not to shabby. It was worth that just to see the inside with the awesome wood and stained glass windows. (the figures were cricket, tennis and polo players!) I loved it

After school Betsy was so nice and went with me to an….. agency. Something I wanted to avoid because of their fees but I was just so discouraged. NO ONE had emailed me back from yesterday. (I emailed at least 20 people) So tomorrow I have 5 potential flats to look at. I am really excited and probably have my hopes WAY too up! I am nervous though as I want to make sure everything is ok with it. After the agency I saw Betsys place and she shared beef stew with me! Yum!

I guess that sums up my 12 hour day. I will keep everyone posted about how tomorrow goes!

Cups of Tea: still 2. I chose coffee at the reception
Sightings of Royalty. 0

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Not Much New

Well there isn’t much to report today. I have been avoiding Dragon Lady like she is the plague (actually she is quite like the Black Death as they both suck life and happiness out of the victim) Extreme yes, but it works. Today I had a lazy morning. It takes a lot for me to get out of bed actually. Then I was off to fix my phone. (Dragon Lady doesn’t have my correct mobile number. This was a complete accident on my end but now Im not sure Im going to fix it…) Im just a big dummy I guess and my phone was fine and all I had to do was go into the menu to “my numbers” and see my phone number. Wow who would have guessed. So I have a phone number if anyone needs to reach me in a dire situation such as a death. It will cost you too much money to call and chat unfortunately. I would love that though! I do have to hunt down a Orange store so I can change my pay as I go plan. (nothing is really easy for me on his trip it seems) but I have a number and it works. Mission for the day accomplished.

After that I called Betsy (she is from HWS) and we talked about housing. I got two numbers from her and… both said they don’t have anything in my price range. Told you. Nothing is easy. So I walked to the tube, hopped on and ended up at Baker Street once again. I went to Tesco for the first time ad bought a sandwich and fruit and sat in Regents Park to eat it. It was nice to see grass and not Dragon Lady. After that I headed back home and the tube took forever at Edgware Road with delays. I made it though and came back to a… EMPTY HOUSE! Woo! I even stopped the alarm and everything. (yes I am waiting for the day that I push in the wrong code and the alarm blows up and it costs me 1000 pounds to fix.)

I got home at 3ish and spent the next 3 hours looking for a new home. Im getting so frustrated. Every lead is a dead-end or a scam. Who knew that it was so hard to find a stinking flat! I may try an agency soon if nothing pans out. They charge fees though.
So my plans for tonight are… not much. Survive being under the same tiny roof of the Dragon Lady. I stay in my room at all times. Hopefully she will think Im being rude and kick me out and that will save an awkward conversation. Also I am planning on showering so Im not the smelling, shy, red headed dummy from America on my first day of class. Instead Ill be shy, red headed and a dummy. Basically if they test me in any way tomorrow Im screwed and may be shipped back home (hmmm… not a bad idea) I just am too wore out to think critically at the moment!

So while you are all comfy in bed tonight with people you enjoy to be living with (at least semi!) think of me not sleeping and freakig out as I head to class tomorrow. If we do ANY icebreakers I will hate my life even more than I do at the present moment. (Dragon Lady= a lot of life hating! : ) )

Goals for tomorrow ( I have started a new section!)
1. Survive my frst day at CHRISTIES!
2. Steal some Elizabeth Taylor jewelry! (just kidding!)
3. Find an Orange Store
4. Have legit lead for a new home
Cups of Tea- Still 2. Remember I have been avoiding Dragon Lady
Sightings of Royalty… 0

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Going Crazy and Adventures

So today was a little bit of a better day but I still hate the dragon lady and Im still tired. First lets get the Dragon Lady stuff overwith so I can write about the other stuff….
1. I was planning on leaving the house at 10-10:30ish. I was ready to go but she had to go to complain to the neighbors about people not keeping up there houses to a high enough standard. So… while she was doing that I had to stay in and wait for the tv people to come so I could ring them in the gate. Yup… pissed already and I had been up for half of an hour.
2. TV people came (got in somehow with me having to ring them in so I sat around for nothing) and Dragon lady was yelling that the company didn’t send their boss but MINONS! She sent them away and wont let them come inside because she didn’t like the looks of them OR their VAN! Are we serious?
3. I was informed that if I get my purse stolen or am “thick headed enough to lose it” I am responsible for paying for a completely new lock system in her home. She said that one of the previous girls had that happen and it was an expensive mistake. Jennifer’s mistake was cheap she said (which was washing bedding that she shouldn’t have and it faded). Jennifer paid 100 pounds for that so if that is a cheap mistake im screwed.
4. She lost her dumb rewards card from the grocery store and I was bellowed at to come downstairs to look for it. Awesome.
5. She is having a neighbor over for dinner. Hopefully I am allowed to stay out of the way because if she lives in the square she is probably a bitch too.
So basically Im afraid to breathe in this house. I NEED out of here. Mom and Dad just laugh when I tell them these things but Im barely sane right now. Im stick of walking on eggshells.

I went out on my own today. (at 11:15) I took the tube to school to test it out and good thing I did. I took the wrong train but headed the right way so it wasn’t a big deal I just had to change trains more. It took an hour with that mistake so hopefully Ill be ok. After I found school I picked a direction and walked. Luckily I stumbled to Baker’s Street (Home of Sherlock!) I didn’t find his house because I didn’t want to get too lost and I had an entire year left to go to it! I also stumbled upon a cell phone store. Perfect. I got a 10 pound phone (10 pounds of money not of phone…) and a SIM card (thrown in). I put my orange SIM in when I got back tho and it doenst work and I don’t know my cell number. Awesome. So I have to figure that out sometime I guess. I just wish something woul be easy!

After buying my phone I took the tube to Kings Cross Station! I went to platform 9 thinking that 9 ¾ is inbetween 9 and 10. Nope. Not at all. They have moved it the man said. (I asked a train worker dude with a bright orange vest and hard hat) He looked at me like he had been asked that question 15 times a minute but he very nicely pointed me towards the famous “platform”. So I went to platform 1, exited and there surrounded by a construction wall is a mini cart and a sign. It was a let down. : ( I got my picture taken tho (again had to ask a someone. This time a German girl who took 15 minutes to take my picture) and my mission was accomplished.

Now I am home writing this and DESPERATELY looking for a place to live. I am drowning here and need to get out! I hate the Dragon Lady!

Hopefully I survive her little friend and I can eat dinner alone in the kitchen and do my own thing tonight.

Cups of Tea: Still holding at 2
Royal Sighting: 0. I decided that the mayor does not in fact count at all.

P.S... my microsoft was working... it was updating yesterday!

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Stressful Start

Sept. 26th 4:45

So Im in London and have unpacked. To be completely honest... I hate where I am living. I have rules (They are crazy. Trust me) and I re-named Laura
Dragon Lady. :)

My General Rules:
No sitting on the bedspread.
Make your bed everyday.
Vaccum and wash your bedding every 2 weeks
No shoes in the house
No food anywhere but the Kitchen
Must have a towel down when I sit on my desk chair
Had to put towels down so my luggage wouldnt make marks on her carpet
Can not have blinds in room up as the sun will fade the carpet and bedding (actually when Im here one up is ok)
Break anything you buy it
No one night stands
No smoking or drinking
I can only go into 4 rooms in the entire house (my room, my bathroom, the guest room and the kitchen)
I have two cupboards Im allowed to look in
never put the stainsteel in the dishwasher because it will ruin the silver
I guess I cant remember the rest...

Incidents so far...
Informed that I forgot to put the shade down when I went out
used the wrong plug to charge my computer
didnt put the bedspread on right.
forgot the number to let us through the gate (she had told me an hour before and I had been up for 25+ hours)

Honestly I dont know how the other girls stayed with her! Sigh. Im scared to go in the kitchen to cook anything because i know I will ruin something!
This is def not what I had thought I signed up for. I just want to live by myself! I dont know if I can live like this for an ENTIRE year. She is
so intimating and condescending! She is also brutally honest and I dont know if some of that is a British thing or if its just her. She said she
was married once... no wonder she isnt anymore!

So nothing really is new except Im scared to death to live in this house. Tomorrow is my big adventure out. Tube and everything! Yesterday I was on a
schedule from the moment i walked through her door so I am sorry I didnt post. At 9:15 I was finally allowed to shower and go to bed.

My awesome day;
10:30- arrived and the really nice taxi man got screamed at for almost touching the wall with my suitcase. Red flag number one!
10:30-11:30 her explaining the schedule and general rules
11:30-noon bringing the suitcases upstairs (yes it took an half hour considering I had to empty then downstairs. i wasnt allowed to heave the 50 pounds
bags up the stairs. I could hit something.
Noon- 12:30 unpacking my "essentials"
12:30-1:30 eating Shepherds Pie which was good but I would have like one serving. The second she froce fed me was a bit much
1:30-3:30 SIM card, grocery store, oyster card, tour (she expected me to know where I was and now how to get back. Yeah right)
3:30-5 unpacking which she kept interrupting to tell me things
5-6 putting the suitcases and her crap in the loft (which im not allowed in)
6-8 time alone which meant it really was her showing me where I cant go, and popping in to tell me that I cant sit on the bedspread. O and my
blankie was on the bed which she almost had a heart attack about. I did skype my parents at 7 and demanded that I go home. It didnt work!
(please keep in mind that I had been up for 30 hours with 4 to sleep on the plane at this point)
8-9 Antiques Roadshow which was stupid because its the British verison.
9-9:15 chatting with her
9:15-9:30 the epic fight with the shower. I just ended up sitting down. Stupid thing!
9:30-10 a quick internet check
10pm. Bed. First time since 8am US time. so that is what... 32 hours awake? Minus 4 on the plane?

One thing I did forget. The really nice Taxi man talked to me. I could NOT get across that I do not live in NYC or anywhere close. The second thing
he asked was who I had voted for in the past elections. I thought that was interesting! I dont think Americans have ever asked me that! I told him
McCain and he was surprised. He thought everyone had loved Obama until recently.

At the security in JFK a group of security men in suits and a group of people just walked right through. Wonder who it was!

The fair today was ok. Mostly tacky overpriced things. The stalls were all set up in a country club. It was really pretty and the lawns were the bes
I have ever seen. I wanted to take off my flats and just RUN across them. Thought that would be looked down upon though!

So my great adventure is off to a rocky, snooty, strict start. Sigh.

My microsoft wont open nor will any of my documents. Anyone have any ideas?

Cups of tea 2
Sighting of Royalty 1(and thats if the mayor counts! haha)

My life in a nutshell so far...

My word processing wont open at the moment and that is where I have been writing my blog. Awesome. So hopefully I can figure it out and post my real blog pronto. My phone... doesn't work with my SIM card even though Verizon said they unlocked it... I absolutely hate Dragon Lady (the lady im living with. That was the nicest thing I could think of...)

Cup of tea 2
Sighting of Royalty 0

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Gah Traveling!

Terminal 8, Gate 2 JFK Airport

Gah. Im so tired and every muscle in my shoulders/back ache. I am ready to get on this last plane but I have 3 hours and 20 minutes until it boards.

Today wasn’t too bad… it could have gone worse! My suitcase hasn’t been ripped open (yet), I have made my planes (so far) and the baby was on my last flight didn’t cry at all. I love children until you are stuck with them in a metal tube, miles above the ground, for multiple hours!

We left the house at 10am this morning. I ate chicken wing on the way to the airport! I don’t know how I’m going to make it without hot sauce for two months! I missed it in Rome and Im sure Ill miss it in London too! We got to the airport and checked my bags (one was 49.5 pounds, the other 51.) The guy let the extra pound slide! I said bye to mom and dad….. No tears! (I bet mom cried after) I went through security and kept my eyes peeled for Uncle Dave but no such luck. He came in gate 6, and I was at gate 8 and in line to board when I saw that his flight had landed!

My flight to NYC was uneventful. JetBlue FINALLY had blue chips for me so that was very exciting! O I was reading The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and almost fell out of my seat. Chautauqua Institution stalks me everywhere. Apparently the mother in the book took her daughter to Chautauqua Institution to meet with a world renown violin teacher Mrs. Vamos. I wonder if I ever sold her a ticket… anyways I had to read all about little Chautauqua on a JetBlue flight. Weird.

I got to the baggage claim at JFK (number 4, not the dreading number 6 in which suitcases come out in shreds….) and Uncle Billy was there to meet me. Not going to lie… I would have died dragging two suitcase, a carry on and a purse through JFK airport. Especially since I had to take the stupid air train. Uncle Billy was a awesome help getting me to Terminal 8 and getting checked in to American Airlines. Here is the par that I sound like Dad…. What ever happened to people at a desk?? I had to do some stupid, confusing self-check in at a kiosk. Then I had to go to a mini desk and hand in my boarding pass to a lady who tagged my luggage and then made me drag it to a drop off point. Lame. Just saying American Airlines.

Uncle Billy dropped me off at airport security and I went off on my own for the second time today. So here I am sitting on hard black chairs eating my $8.69 dinner. (dinner is a Minute Maid Lemonade, a bag of Chex Mix, and a bag of Ranch Corn Nuts. Awesome I know but I will get a yummy airplane dinner soon. Ewwww….. Ill just wait for my next flight. More later