Thursday, September 29, 2011

First Day of School

So for those of you who know me… I absolutely loathe the first day of school. Kindergarten was scary, I didn’t sleep before 7th grade not knowing where my locker was,(for those of you that know Panama that’s just pathetic), I said I was NEVER going back to 9th grade and every year at HWS I didn’t sleep afraid that I would over sleep my alarm. First days of school are traumatic. The only nice thing is that you get to wear new clothes. Today was no different. Not only did I have to get out the door on time I had to get myself through the tube stations to 123 Great Titchfield Road. My stomach hurt the ENTIRE way and my cheerios for breakfast didn’t get eaten until lunch.

I got to school and….. I liked it. How crazy is that! Thank goodness that Betsy is here though. It would have been worse not knowing anyone and feeling like I had NO friends! At least I have one! We were shuffled from room to room and listened to one talk after another. I got completely bombarded with information but I figure I can always figure things out as time goes on. It turns out that having a Dragon Lady for a housemate is a very good conversation starter. Who knew. I asked lots of people where they were staying and how they found their place. I actually talked to people. Again people who know me… that doesn’t happen. (for proof contact Katie Bus… my first year Roomie.)

After lunch hour we took a tour of the area and learned about the architecture. After walking around for 2 hours out tutor (tutor not professor… that will be odd for a while) asked if anyone wanted a cold drink at the local pub. So… I got my first true English pub experience. Basically if I lived here forever I would be addicted to the hard cider. Yum! No worries though I wont! My first half-pint of cider was 1.65. Not to shabby. It was worth that just to see the inside with the awesome wood and stained glass windows. (the figures were cricket, tennis and polo players!) I loved it

After school Betsy was so nice and went with me to an….. agency. Something I wanted to avoid because of their fees but I was just so discouraged. NO ONE had emailed me back from yesterday. (I emailed at least 20 people) So tomorrow I have 5 potential flats to look at. I am really excited and probably have my hopes WAY too up! I am nervous though as I want to make sure everything is ok with it. After the agency I saw Betsys place and she shared beef stew with me! Yum!

I guess that sums up my 12 hour day. I will keep everyone posted about how tomorrow goes!

Cups of Tea: still 2. I chose coffee at the reception
Sightings of Royalty. 0

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome day! And your first paragraph about school is SO you!! It's a good thing that you're not a teacher. We have a first day for the rest of our lives! LOL. But I do love wearing the new clothes :) Also, WOW I am impressed with the people skills. Way to go!! Dragon Lady was completely worth it, what a great ice breaker :) Haha. I'm glad that you have Betsy. Good luck looking for a place tomorrow and I will let you know if Wrenn has any good suggestions for you too. Ohhhhhh, and hard cider is the best, and Gluten Free :) I make it and keg it now. I currently have watermelon on tap. If you decide to visit me at Christmas you can try it and tell me what I have to do to make it more like the English hard cider!!! Good luck again, thinking of you!!!
