Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Not Much New

Well there isn’t much to report today. I have been avoiding Dragon Lady like she is the plague (actually she is quite like the Black Death as they both suck life and happiness out of the victim) Extreme yes, but it works. Today I had a lazy morning. It takes a lot for me to get out of bed actually. Then I was off to fix my phone. (Dragon Lady doesn’t have my correct mobile number. This was a complete accident on my end but now Im not sure Im going to fix it…) Im just a big dummy I guess and my phone was fine and all I had to do was go into the menu to “my numbers” and see my phone number. Wow who would have guessed. So I have a phone number if anyone needs to reach me in a dire situation such as a death. It will cost you too much money to call and chat unfortunately. I would love that though! I do have to hunt down a Orange store so I can change my pay as I go plan. (nothing is really easy for me on his trip it seems) but I have a number and it works. Mission for the day accomplished.

After that I called Betsy (she is from HWS) and we talked about housing. I got two numbers from her and… both said they don’t have anything in my price range. Told you. Nothing is easy. So I walked to the tube, hopped on and ended up at Baker Street once again. I went to Tesco for the first time ad bought a sandwich and fruit and sat in Regents Park to eat it. It was nice to see grass and not Dragon Lady. After that I headed back home and the tube took forever at Edgware Road with delays. I made it though and came back to a… EMPTY HOUSE! Woo! I even stopped the alarm and everything. (yes I am waiting for the day that I push in the wrong code and the alarm blows up and it costs me 1000 pounds to fix.)

I got home at 3ish and spent the next 3 hours looking for a new home. Im getting so frustrated. Every lead is a dead-end or a scam. Who knew that it was so hard to find a stinking flat! I may try an agency soon if nothing pans out. They charge fees though.
So my plans for tonight are… not much. Survive being under the same tiny roof of the Dragon Lady. I stay in my room at all times. Hopefully she will think Im being rude and kick me out and that will save an awkward conversation. Also I am planning on showering so Im not the smelling, shy, red headed dummy from America on my first day of class. Instead Ill be shy, red headed and a dummy. Basically if they test me in any way tomorrow Im screwed and may be shipped back home (hmmm… not a bad idea) I just am too wore out to think critically at the moment!

So while you are all comfy in bed tonight with people you enjoy to be living with (at least semi!) think of me not sleeping and freakig out as I head to class tomorrow. If we do ANY icebreakers I will hate my life even more than I do at the present moment. (Dragon Lady= a lot of life hating! : ) )

Goals for tomorrow ( I have started a new section!)
1. Survive my frst day at CHRISTIES!
2. Steal some Elizabeth Taylor jewelry! (just kidding!)
3. Find an Orange Store
4. Have legit lead for a new home
Cups of Tea- Still 2. Remember I have been avoiding Dragon Lady
Sightings of Royalty… 0


  1. Oh little sister. I'm so sorry that everything seems to be a challenge. But when this year is over please please write a book. I think it would sell millions. I love and miss you! I am glad that you got to do things on your own today!!

  2. Sorry to hear that! I can look into if I have any family in the London area. They are extended family members, but since you're a shy redhead maybe they'd open their doors to you. I'll talk to my mom/Gram to see what they know. Best of luck!
