Monday, September 26, 2011

My Stressful Start

Sept. 26th 4:45

So Im in London and have unpacked. To be completely honest... I hate where I am living. I have rules (They are crazy. Trust me) and I re-named Laura
Dragon Lady. :)

My General Rules:
No sitting on the bedspread.
Make your bed everyday.
Vaccum and wash your bedding every 2 weeks
No shoes in the house
No food anywhere but the Kitchen
Must have a towel down when I sit on my desk chair
Had to put towels down so my luggage wouldnt make marks on her carpet
Can not have blinds in room up as the sun will fade the carpet and bedding (actually when Im here one up is ok)
Break anything you buy it
No one night stands
No smoking or drinking
I can only go into 4 rooms in the entire house (my room, my bathroom, the guest room and the kitchen)
I have two cupboards Im allowed to look in
never put the stainsteel in the dishwasher because it will ruin the silver
I guess I cant remember the rest...

Incidents so far...
Informed that I forgot to put the shade down when I went out
used the wrong plug to charge my computer
didnt put the bedspread on right.
forgot the number to let us through the gate (she had told me an hour before and I had been up for 25+ hours)

Honestly I dont know how the other girls stayed with her! Sigh. Im scared to go in the kitchen to cook anything because i know I will ruin something!
This is def not what I had thought I signed up for. I just want to live by myself! I dont know if I can live like this for an ENTIRE year. She is
so intimating and condescending! She is also brutally honest and I dont know if some of that is a British thing or if its just her. She said she
was married once... no wonder she isnt anymore!

So nothing really is new except Im scared to death to live in this house. Tomorrow is my big adventure out. Tube and everything! Yesterday I was on a
schedule from the moment i walked through her door so I am sorry I didnt post. At 9:15 I was finally allowed to shower and go to bed.

My awesome day;
10:30- arrived and the really nice taxi man got screamed at for almost touching the wall with my suitcase. Red flag number one!
10:30-11:30 her explaining the schedule and general rules
11:30-noon bringing the suitcases upstairs (yes it took an half hour considering I had to empty then downstairs. i wasnt allowed to heave the 50 pounds
bags up the stairs. I could hit something.
Noon- 12:30 unpacking my "essentials"
12:30-1:30 eating Shepherds Pie which was good but I would have like one serving. The second she froce fed me was a bit much
1:30-3:30 SIM card, grocery store, oyster card, tour (she expected me to know where I was and now how to get back. Yeah right)
3:30-5 unpacking which she kept interrupting to tell me things
5-6 putting the suitcases and her crap in the loft (which im not allowed in)
6-8 time alone which meant it really was her showing me where I cant go, and popping in to tell me that I cant sit on the bedspread. O and my
blankie was on the bed which she almost had a heart attack about. I did skype my parents at 7 and demanded that I go home. It didnt work!
(please keep in mind that I had been up for 30 hours with 4 to sleep on the plane at this point)
8-9 Antiques Roadshow which was stupid because its the British verison.
9-9:15 chatting with her
9:15-9:30 the epic fight with the shower. I just ended up sitting down. Stupid thing!
9:30-10 a quick internet check
10pm. Bed. First time since 8am US time. so that is what... 32 hours awake? Minus 4 on the plane?

One thing I did forget. The really nice Taxi man talked to me. I could NOT get across that I do not live in NYC or anywhere close. The second thing
he asked was who I had voted for in the past elections. I thought that was interesting! I dont think Americans have ever asked me that! I told him
McCain and he was surprised. He thought everyone had loved Obama until recently.

At the security in JFK a group of security men in suits and a group of people just walked right through. Wonder who it was!

The fair today was ok. Mostly tacky overpriced things. The stalls were all set up in a country club. It was really pretty and the lawns were the bes
I have ever seen. I wanted to take off my flats and just RUN across them. Thought that would be looked down upon though!

So my great adventure is off to a rocky, snooty, strict start. Sigh.

My microsoft wont open nor will any of my documents. Anyone have any ideas?

Cups of tea 2
Sighting of Royalty 1(and thats if the mayor counts! haha)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an interesting time!! So sorry to hear. Although you should write a book because it is quick commical when you don't have to live through it. Hope this week goes better figuring out london on your own and getting to know the school and your classmates. Maybe once you're on your own schedule it won't really be a problem!!!
