Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Going Crazy and Adventures

So today was a little bit of a better day but I still hate the dragon lady and Im still tired. First lets get the Dragon Lady stuff overwith so I can write about the other stuff….
1. I was planning on leaving the house at 10-10:30ish. I was ready to go but she had to go to complain to the neighbors about people not keeping up there houses to a high enough standard. So… while she was doing that I had to stay in and wait for the tv people to come so I could ring them in the gate. Yup… pissed already and I had been up for half of an hour.
2. TV people came (got in somehow with me having to ring them in so I sat around for nothing) and Dragon lady was yelling that the company didn’t send their boss but MINONS! She sent them away and wont let them come inside because she didn’t like the looks of them OR their VAN! Are we serious?
3. I was informed that if I get my purse stolen or am “thick headed enough to lose it” I am responsible for paying for a completely new lock system in her home. She said that one of the previous girls had that happen and it was an expensive mistake. Jennifer’s mistake was cheap she said (which was washing bedding that she shouldn’t have and it faded). Jennifer paid 100 pounds for that so if that is a cheap mistake im screwed.
4. She lost her dumb rewards card from the grocery store and I was bellowed at to come downstairs to look for it. Awesome.
5. She is having a neighbor over for dinner. Hopefully I am allowed to stay out of the way because if she lives in the square she is probably a bitch too.
So basically Im afraid to breathe in this house. I NEED out of here. Mom and Dad just laugh when I tell them these things but Im barely sane right now. Im stick of walking on eggshells.

I went out on my own today. (at 11:15) I took the tube to school to test it out and good thing I did. I took the wrong train but headed the right way so it wasn’t a big deal I just had to change trains more. It took an hour with that mistake so hopefully Ill be ok. After I found school I picked a direction and walked. Luckily I stumbled to Baker’s Street (Home of Sherlock!) I didn’t find his house because I didn’t want to get too lost and I had an entire year left to go to it! I also stumbled upon a cell phone store. Perfect. I got a 10 pound phone (10 pounds of money not of phone…) and a SIM card (thrown in). I put my orange SIM in when I got back tho and it doenst work and I don’t know my cell number. Awesome. So I have to figure that out sometime I guess. I just wish something woul be easy!

After buying my phone I took the tube to Kings Cross Station! I went to platform 9 thinking that 9 ¾ is inbetween 9 and 10. Nope. Not at all. They have moved it the man said. (I asked a train worker dude with a bright orange vest and hard hat) He looked at me like he had been asked that question 15 times a minute but he very nicely pointed me towards the famous “platform”. So I went to platform 1, exited and there surrounded by a construction wall is a mini cart and a sign. It was a let down. : ( I got my picture taken tho (again had to ask a someone. This time a German girl who took 15 minutes to take my picture) and my mission was accomplished.

Now I am home writing this and DESPERATELY looking for a place to live. I am drowning here and need to get out! I hate the Dragon Lady!

Hopefully I survive her little friend and I can eat dinner alone in the kitchen and do my own thing tonight.

Cups of Tea: Still holding at 2
Royal Sighting: 0. I decided that the mayor does not in fact count at all.

P.S... my microsoft was working... it was updating yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. Whoo Sherlock and the platform? I'm jealous. Even the street is cool, and you have a year to find it. Sounds like one of our adventures if you ask me.
    Sorry to hear that Dragon Lady is in fact a Dragon Lady. She sounds like that terrible lady in Harry Potter, Umbridge. I hope you find something good soon, because she could ruin your abroad experience and that's not cool at all.
