Friday, September 30, 2011


I knew it. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. Today was an epic fail. Almost as epic as Stromboli. Since 11am (until 6:30pm) I have ran around the city looking at places and they were all HORRIBLE. Sigh. I cant find anywhere decent. The one I was excited about in Earls Court turned out to be bad also. Apparently you were paying on the location for that one. I guess Im going to have to up my price range. Don’t know how ill pay for that one. Gah. No wonder people put up with Dragon Lady.

After walking around the ENTIRE west end of the city, Betsy and I started (at 6:15) to go to our reception at Christies. At 7:30 we still had not arrived. We got SO lost. We walked around Sloane Square and South Kensington for an hour or so after walking around all day. Im so tired. My feet HATE me! We decided to go to a pub again and I had a burger, fires and a pint of cider for 10 pounds. Not too shabby.

I came home and once again was cruising the internet to find housing. I may have found some good student housing. Pricey but it looks nice.

New Developments of the Dragon Lady:
1. After my shower I leave the bathrug on the floor… it somehow ends up back on the side of the tub every morning
2. She hates the new water fountain in the middle of the square. Its diabolical. Really??
3. I am sweating every night because I cant open my windows in my room. A robber could climb the fence into the window and rob us. Sigh

Im sorry this is such a lame post but I am so tired. Im off to bed!

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