Sunday, September 25, 2011

Gah Traveling!

Terminal 8, Gate 2 JFK Airport

Gah. Im so tired and every muscle in my shoulders/back ache. I am ready to get on this last plane but I have 3 hours and 20 minutes until it boards.

Today wasn’t too bad… it could have gone worse! My suitcase hasn’t been ripped open (yet), I have made my planes (so far) and the baby was on my last flight didn’t cry at all. I love children until you are stuck with them in a metal tube, miles above the ground, for multiple hours!

We left the house at 10am this morning. I ate chicken wing on the way to the airport! I don’t know how I’m going to make it without hot sauce for two months! I missed it in Rome and Im sure Ill miss it in London too! We got to the airport and checked my bags (one was 49.5 pounds, the other 51.) The guy let the extra pound slide! I said bye to mom and dad….. No tears! (I bet mom cried after) I went through security and kept my eyes peeled for Uncle Dave but no such luck. He came in gate 6, and I was at gate 8 and in line to board when I saw that his flight had landed!

My flight to NYC was uneventful. JetBlue FINALLY had blue chips for me so that was very exciting! O I was reading The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and almost fell out of my seat. Chautauqua Institution stalks me everywhere. Apparently the mother in the book took her daughter to Chautauqua Institution to meet with a world renown violin teacher Mrs. Vamos. I wonder if I ever sold her a ticket… anyways I had to read all about little Chautauqua on a JetBlue flight. Weird.

I got to the baggage claim at JFK (number 4, not the dreading number 6 in which suitcases come out in shreds….) and Uncle Billy was there to meet me. Not going to lie… I would have died dragging two suitcase, a carry on and a purse through JFK airport. Especially since I had to take the stupid air train. Uncle Billy was a awesome help getting me to Terminal 8 and getting checked in to American Airlines. Here is the par that I sound like Dad…. What ever happened to people at a desk?? I had to do some stupid, confusing self-check in at a kiosk. Then I had to go to a mini desk and hand in my boarding pass to a lady who tagged my luggage and then made me drag it to a drop off point. Lame. Just saying American Airlines.

Uncle Billy dropped me off at airport security and I went off on my own for the second time today. So here I am sitting on hard black chairs eating my $8.69 dinner. (dinner is a Minute Maid Lemonade, a bag of Chex Mix, and a bag of Ranch Corn Nuts. Awesome I know but I will get a yummy airplane dinner soon. Ewwww….. Ill just wait for my next flight. More later

1 comment:

  1. 1. I really am in love with JetBlue. It's my airline of choice. Between the entertainment and the snacks it makes a transcontinental flight much more enjoyable.

    2. JFK is my fave airport thus far. It keeps all the JetBlue flights together, which makes life between flights so nice.

    3. I'm so glad you posted from the airport, just sounds fun. And a great way to waste time.
