Saturday, October 1, 2011

All Alone!!

I love being alone. Especially when Dragon Lady is out of my hair. I am lucky enough today that she is gone ALL day today and she is spending the night and coming home TOMORROW. How awesome is that? Apparently she is a member of a yacht club. No she doesn’t own a boat… She left this morning to take a train down to the south shore and was going to have lunch on a friend’s boat (how does she have friends you may ask? I am puzzled too. No one in their right mind would ever befriend this woman) and then she was going back to the hotel to change for the yacht club dinner. She said this to me like she was the most important person in the entire world. I was supposed to be impressed…. I wasn’t.

So anyways I slept in today and lounged in pjs while looking for potential housing. I finally left the house about 3 (it was awesome not to have to sprint out of the house to avoid Dragon Lady!) and went to Earl’s Court. There I found a paper (to look up potential flats. No luck) and I started walking and saw a sign that said “Double Room with Kitchen Facilities” and a phone number. Of course I called (who wouldn’t!) and it was let already. BUT he has another one available in a week. So I have to call on Monday after 1 to arrange a viewing. He was busy today! He sounded really nice and normal. I love where it is. Basically I am getting my hopes up really high! Probably shouldn’t do that but its how I am getting through the night. All my other leads that I had were dead ends. Story of my life so far!

After I called the guy I decided that I may as well stay out. I had nothing else to do. So I went to Oxford Street! SHOPPING!! I went to Top Shop, Gap, United Colors, H&M, and Aldos and did not buy a thing. (please someone be impressed!) I did stop in Orange to get the Camel SIM card. I had to get a new card because PC World sold me the wrong one. (This is way Dragon Lady is so annoying. She made me get that card promising that it was the right one. I wish she would let me get things by myself!) After that I fought my way home on the tube. A critical leg in my tube journey was cut off so I had to go around. The crowds were crazy!

Here at home it is nice to be alone. I have decided to do laundry since she isn’t home. Im am praying that nothing goes wrong (if it floods Ill freak out). I actually cooked something for dinner (sausages and potatoes) since she wasn’t here watching my every move. Ill take a shower later and have a nice relaxing night. : )

Things Dragon Lady shouldn’t know:
1. Im running all over the city to find a new home
2. I sat on the comforter last night for two minutes
3. I ate upstairs (Cheerios)
Things that are in this house and I cannot use:
1. The Toaster Oven is also a microwave… cant use the microwave part of it
2. The washer is also a dryer… cant use the dryer part of it
3. My wardrobe has drawers and a top section… can only use the drawers
4. Cant use the oven for a baked potato unless she is going to use the oven
Yeah…. She is crazy isn’t she?

I really do love London minus where Im living. The city is cool and easy to get around so far. I haven’t ventured on the bus yet but I haven’t really had time for a leisurely way anywhere yet.
Things about London:
1. I don’t know how the English have livers… they are ALWAYS drinking pints of beer
2. I may die from crossing the street. I look both ways 4 times before venturing off the sidewalk because I cant remember which way to look
3. Im pretty dumb…. I kept seeing Asian, African, Indian women with very very white babies. Then it hit me…. It seems like everyone has a nanny
4. I can never understand what an English person is saying. I really have to concentrate. I miss Americans. The accent can get a little annoying at times. (I NEVER would have though that I would be saying that!!)
Once again if anyone has any housing ideas please email my google account. My HWS one is going out in Dec and I rarely check it anymore.

MISS everyone!
Cups of Tea: Still 2
Royal sighting…. Yeah none. Sigh

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice relaxing day! I'm glad that you got a day without her...and I hope that nothing went wrong :) Sounds like you're having fun looking around also. And I am VERY impressed that you didn't buy anything!!! Haha, I wouldn't be able to do that.

    Hope you can sleep in tomorrow and still enjoy the day. Good luck on your first day of class. I'll be thinking of you and I'll let you know if I hear anything about housing!
