Saturday, August 18, 2012

228 Days!

228 days. That’s how long I have been in the UK without being on USA soil (aka since I left after Christmas) And I have no desire to go back. American stereotypes are getting truer by the day. The British are SO polite I love them! (and so reserved. And quiet) Sometimes I think that I should have been British! I like them! They are crazy political (glad I have missed some of the stuff that I see people talking about on facebook!) and they are so polite to the opposing party. Just everything about them is polite. But they are honest too, which can be a good and bad thing!

This morning was a wee bit crazy. I re-arranged my suitcases and I got an extra pound for one of them! I have to fit in my makeup bag, the clothes im wearing, and my compy cord. I have 3 pounds in one and 2 in the other so hopefully that is enough! Im starting to get very stressed about getting through the airports with 3 suitcases, and 2 carryons. I basically have 150 pounds of luggage, plus a 23 pound carry on, plus a 19 pound carry on. Oh and I have to carry my compy. That is a TON of luggage. More than I weigh! Im going to have to get my army ant on! (they are the ones that can move a crazy amount of weight for their body mass right?)

After I did that I brought my clothes downstairs to sell them to the lady. She doesn’t take quilts, so I don’t know what to do with them because the local charity shop is under construction and opening Sept 1st (figures). Gah. So I sold back my stuff and then decided I was going to read my electric meter by myself instead of relying on someone else to do it for me. I lugged my chair and a huge art history book down the stairs and stood on my tippy toes. Success! Whoo!

Then I was off to the post-office to mail a packet to myself of all the letters/cards/notes I had received while I was here (the packet was HEAVY) and it had some papers that I may need sometime in there. Totally worth the 12 pounds to mail that home! I got the creepy annoying guy at the post office, not the nice funny one. Then I went to HSBC to put money in my account because my internet company ONLY takes UK debit cards. I just wanted to make sure there was enough plus a little extra in there. (ill get it back when HSBC sends me my check later!) Well the branch was closed on Sat. Really? So I came back to the apartment and found a branch on Bond street that was open.

I headed down there. It was HOT here today. 86 to be exact and SUNNY! It was nice, but the tube was a little uncomfortable! I found the HSBC quickly, deposited the money and got back on the tube. That was probably my last tube ride! :(

I came back and ate lunch then the fun really started… cleaning. Gah. It took me forever and I was so gross and sweaty by the end. My flat has never looked so clean though! But it also looks so empty. :( Poor thing. Cleaning didn’t actually take as long as I thought, which was nice. Then I went through the remaining stuff, took out my garbage and ate dinner. Phew! What a day!

Tomorrow is my last day. Im sad. And so SO incredibly stressed. Tomorrow is making sure everything is done, calling all of my utilities, finishing packing, cleaning, and throwing stuff away. Im skyping mom at 5, eating Chinese for dinner, and attempting to not freak out/stress about my journey the next day. Im dreading this one. It doenst help that I don’t want to leave and end up where I am going to end up!

More tomorrow!

P.S I am so SO poor. Im a grad student after all! If anyone knows of ANY job feel free to message me, email me or whatever! Ill do anything! (seriously anything!) Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. HAha. Yes it is the army ants that can carry so much! Sounds like you had a very busy day. That is too bad that they don't take quilts. Have you figured out what to do with them yet?

    I hope that you were able to get your two bags to the airport today so that tomorrow will be a little easier. Good luck flying home! Sorry that you have to say goodbye!

    Oh and I don't know of any jobs yet. Sorry.
