Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Warning!

So I am heading into my last week here and its time to get sad. This is a warning that this week’s blog posts may be sentimental! You cant say that I didn’t warn you!

Yesterday was a beautiful day! One of those awesome days that you just cant stand being inside (no matter how much work you have to do!) So although I didn’t have any reason to venture out, I decided to go enjoy the 78 degrees and sunshine before it went away! (Its supposed to rain until Sunday the 19th!) I decided to take the chance to start taking my “Everyday Pictures”. I did it in Rome and love that I have them so on the way to the tube I snapped pictures of the most random and ordinary things in Willesden!

I hopped on the tube, sat down and then realized that I had no battle plan. Oops! I decided to go to Westminster one last time. It was that crowded at all and the tube was easy to use still! I wanted to make it over to the V&A to see the torch replica so I decided to walk. It cant be that far right?? Wrong. I got to Victoria sweating, and had large blisters growing on my heel. I decided to change my plans and got on the tube at Victoria station since I wasn’t even at Sloane Square let alone South Ken. I got off at Oxford Circus and was going to Bond St instead of taking the tube one stop.

I was walking down Oxford Street and spotted Debenhams… I went in and went fascinator shopping! It was so fun. I think I tried everyone on! I want one even more now that I have seen them on me! They just look SO classy! I found one I really REALLY wanted and…. Put it back. Im so proud of myself! It was 30 pounds and who knew when I would get to wear it. Sigh. I think a fascinator is going to show up on my Christmas list! : )

I eventually got to Bond street station. There is a mall there and I did something I shouldn’t have… bought a Starbucks! It was amazing. I went in for a mocha frappe and came out with a raspberry, blackcurrent juice, green tea, and ice concoction. Oh my goodness it was so YUMMY! I inhaled it! If you like green tea I recommend it!

I finally got home and decided I should do work. I did my comparative images and was done with that!! It was such a fun day today! I did get depressed for a bit though. I going to miss this city.

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