Friday, August 17, 2012


Oh the joys of moving. What makes it even more fun is moving to a different country and having to FLY home. What a nightmare. Lets start with yesterday. Oh it was such a fun day! I had to go close down my bank account first. That sounds simple enough, but not in my life. What is making this SO hard is that everything gets done immediately in this country. Is it like that at home? My internet (who I called on Wednesday) said that it would stop within 24 hours. Umm… no thanks. I have to call back Sunday night. The electric company wants to charge me for every second Im there so I have to call them Sunday night. AND my landlord is supposedly putting my deposit in my account after I leave, along with the water company. (I paid for 6 months and only needed 5) Add that to the fact that you have to be there in person to close your bank account and that’s a problem!!

The HSBC guy was baffled. It took forever to figure out what to do. Basically he is breaking the rules and letting me keep my debit card (you have to turn it in) and I wrote a letter saying to close my account after my rent was deposited and they are sending me a check in sterling for me to put in my American bank. Oh my goodness. Complicated.

After the bank I went to Sainsburys and bought everything I cant get at home. Cadbury chocolate, strawberries with double cream, and digestive cookies. YUM! You know I am getting to be stressed and emotional when I got all teary when I left. Gah!! So pathetic!

I got home and decided to start packing (and it’s a good thing that I did). My suitcase up to 50 pounds and I had a TON of stuff left on the floor. Oh no. I look up carry-on policies on Aer Lingus and they just changed it and my backpack was too big. There goes putting all my books in a carry-on. Time for stress out mode. I need major help. And pronto.

That is where today comes in. I was on a mission to find suitcase number three. (yes you read that right! Number THREE) I headed to Sports Direct because online they had some styles that were 80% off and only 15 pounds. That is the right price! The store was a few blocks from the British Museum so I decided to pop in. It wasn’t all that crowded (which was nice) and it was nice and cool inside! (I forgot to mention that it was an awesome 85 today!!)

I only meant to be in there for a half hour or so, but ended up spending quite awhile in there! I looked at the Olympic medals (again), the free horse exhibit, the British rooms, contemporary Chinese ceramics, contemporary Chinese prints and the shop. The Shakespeare exhibit looked good but I didn’t want to spend 12 pounds to go in! After looking at everything I wanted to I decided to head over to the store to buy a suitcase.

I found it without a problem and went in. I wanted everything but stayed focused!! I walked around the entire thing (browsing along the way!) and found two suitcases that were too small and too much money. Epic fail. I knew that there was one on high holbon so I walked to Oxford Circus to take the tube. I got off and wandered around and couldn’t find it. GAH! I decided to try Primark (the bus had gone by it on the way there and I thought about getting off but didn’t). Well I should have because they had an entire section. EVERYONE was there it seemed. Apparently Im not the only one who has too much stuff. The hard shell ones were 28 pounds. Gah. Too much. I kept wandering and found a lonely soft shell one all alone…. 15 pounds. I grabbed it before it was too late and fought my way out!

I hopped on the bus and came home, packed my new suitcase and I was STILL over. (I did have to put 30+ pound of book in it) I have everything in except for the clothes Im wearing for the next few days (and my blankie) so I need to axe some stuff to get those clothes in. Im so close! Depressing.

So that’s it basically. That’s my life. More tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a hectic few days. I am glad that you were able to stop and see an exhibit though!

    Good luck getting everything home! Just wear a ton! Lol.
