Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Well since my first draft is finished I have had a blast watching the Olympics. I absolutely LOVE the Olympics and have so much fun watching everything. Well almost everything. Football (aka soccer) stressed me out. All day long. I had excepted a Japan blow-out over France. I didn’t give them a chance. I flipped back to it towards the end and it was 2-1 and France was bringing the pressure. THEN they get a PK with 5 minutes or so left to go but the girl MISSED it. France brought wave after wave of attacks but couldn’t get through. Japan won. (which makes the final all more interesting)

That game was nothing compared to what I was about to watch. Before the game I had a bad feeling. (I do have backup for that!) I just did. I sat down on the edge of my seat and watched the teams kick off. 20 some minute later Canada scores. Crap… but not too worried. It is the USA after all! But we suddenly weren’t playing well. Canada was controlling the rhythm of the game and possession. By half time I was chewing off my nails. USA came out alright at the half, but there weren’t many opportunities. This is when I went to get my wheres waldo shirt on for luck, wrapped my flag around me and started rocking back and forth in my seat. Rapione scored! From a beautiful corner kick. Amazing. I thought everything would be ok now.

Boy I was wrong. That Sinclair girl (not a fan) put a header past Solo. Canada was up again. Rapione put me out of my misery quickly with a world class strike that bounced off the goal post. GOAL! We were even again, until Sinclair put another header in. Lost yet?? It was 3 goals in 6 minutes. Canada was up. Not much time left. That is where Abby comes through… she headed a ball beautifully, it sailed over the keeper and… hit the crossbar. The keeper came up with it and…. Held on to the ball for longer than 6 seconds. Hahaha. The official actually called it (rarely done) and we had a indirect right outside of the box. Rapione takes it, Canadian player puts her hands up towards her face…. Handball. HAHAHA. By this time I am freaking out, heart pounding and am sporting a broken nail for slapping the floor. I had screamed 5 times already (2 were louder than the other 3) and I was beyond stressed. Canada was whining about the call but come on… as soon as your hands leave from the sides of your body and are flapping around in the wind, they get hit by a ball and that is a handball. Stinks for you, is perfect for us!

Abby comes up to take the kick and I am feeling good about it. She is great not only because she has amazing talent, but because she is consistent. She never breaks with pressure and she did not disappoint. Its 3-3 and I have been pacing while watching since they had been down 3-2. I didn’t stop!

We make it to end of regulation without anymore goals. No sudden death, but a full 30 minutes. For 15 was scoreless but I was feeling good about it. The USA team are in great shape and Canada was losing their legs. We were dominating. It only had to be a matter of time right?? Well the second 15 was fading fast and Canada had one good chance, and we hadn’t scored. I was starting to think pks and thinking we had a good chance when I watched a cross float into the 18 yard box and…..

GOAL!!!! Morgan headed it over the keeper at the 123 minute!! 30 seconds later the whistle blows and although they had only been up for 30 seconds the entire game the USA is heading for WEMBLEY! Oh my goodness was I excited. I would have been devastated if I had to go to a Canada vs Japan game! GAH!

Today was much more relaxed! I am getting pumped about tomorrow. I think we will want it more than Japan because the USA just lost to them on pks in the World Cup final only a year ago. They are out for revenge and to prove that they are still the best. Im excited. This will be an amazing game and I am going to be literally in the front row waving my flag and freaking out the entire time!

I hear that the USA people cant watch this video (which is a shame because its brilliant and I have watched it 20 times today!) but you can all read the article at least if you want to!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Glad to hear that the rough draft is completely done. That game was crazy! I am glad that they pulled it off. The gold medal match is going to be awesome! So cool! I hope that someone cane tape it for us because I want to see you!!
