Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rough Draft is DONE!

Today I slept in and I feel like I wasted my day when I woke up. Gah. I think I made up for it since my rough draft of my thesis is OFFICIALLY DONE! Yup you read it right! D.O.N.E. Booyah! The essay, catalog, and comparatives are all done so tomorrow Im going to print it off so I can edit, and return some of my books. Phew. Im right on schedule, and ahead of my original one. I have 15, 746 words also which is good for me. Usually I have 10 words over the minimum word count! Haha! This time I have a 3, 646 cushion. I rocked this!

I have been thinking (sentimental stuff coming up) I really like London. When I first got here Rome better. Hands down. But after living here for a year…. Rome is in second. Rome is the “I want a vacation flat there so I can hang out” and London is the “if I was a millionaire I would live there” city. Some positive aspects:

1. The people are polite but honest, quiet on the tube and are nowhere near as ridiculous as Americans.
2. The culture here rocks.
3. Its SO clean. NYC is SO dirty!
4. Getting around is so simple, hassle free and painless! The tube is AWESOME!
5. The buses tell you what stop is next.
6. I like the character of the city. Its buildings etc!
7. Free daily paper. How awesome is that!
8. The 3 pound deal (sandwich, pop and chips (crisps actually))

Not so good qualities:
1. The tube stops at midnight. Gah.
2. There are no rubbish bins anywhere on the tube/at train stations.
3. The police sirens drive me CRAZY. They pierce my ears.

Im sure Ill think of more in both categories! Oh I just did… It takes 30 minutes to send something at the post-office. And that is a good day!

OK well Im off to watch the closing ceremony. Im so sad the Olympics are done. I LOVE the Olympics. Way to go USA women though! 58 of the 104 medals! I think London did an amazing job hosting the Olympics. Everything from Venues, Transportation, friendly people to help you, fast and easy entry to every venue, and way to go Team GB!! Best finish ever!!! Congrats!


  1. Glad to hear everything. And I am guessing that a rubbish bin is a trash can? Haha. I love it!

    How was the closing ceremony? We didn't watch it. Just from watching it looked like London did a wonderful job hosting! I will miss your blogs :)
