Saturday, December 3, 2011

I love Fridays

Today was a good day! I actually dragged myself out of bed at 8:30 (the time Im supposed to be up!) so I could take my time getting ready! It was a nice change to the morning sprint that I usually have to do! My commute was fast and painless! I love when my first train lines up perfectly with the second one. I am still not used to “commuting” to school even though I have been doing it for 2 months now! It is just surreal that I “live” in London! Wow!

I got to school early so I had a lot of reading time. My book is getting good. Amy is going to be found dead at the bottom of the stairs at any second! :) I ate my cheerios and chatted some (I know.. I actually talked to another human being!) Lecture today def lived up to y high expectations! It was on 17th century dress (I like the 18th better but this was pretty awesome!) She “undressed” Elizabeth in the Ditchley Portrait. It was AWESOME! There are so many layers and she drew out a detailed diagram. It must be so fun to have her job! We looked at farthingales (I wish I could wear one of those!) and gowns. Awesome. The lecture flew by and I learned a LOT. I loved it!

We had the afternoon off which was great. At noon though I had to go to Dr. Michael Michael’s to pick up the reading for next semester (like Im really going to read the philosophy of art history of break. Right….) We also got to pick our piece for next term. I couldn’t decide fast so every time I picked an article someone had picked it already! I finally picked one that wasn’t taken and then we realized Heidger was left and we couldn’t give that to the Chinese girls who had English as a second language. There was no way in you know where that I was volunteering myself for that!! No way. But Julia did and I got to switch and take hers so I like my person! After I learned that the author I did have… the piece was on cross-dressing. Kinda glad I got the new piece!

After I went home and attempted to work on my paper. It didn’t go well and I was getting mad so I instead started watching Glee. It isn’t as bad as I thought it was but Im not really into to it yet. At 5 I left and headed to Charing Cross to go to the talk on Leonardo by Martin Kemp. When I got to the National Gallery I realized that I had gotten there without thinking or reading tube signs. I just did it! Im starting to know London!!! :) For those of you who don’t study Art History, Martin Kemp is the leading figure on Leonardo and he edits big art history books, like my copy of The Oxford Dictionary of Western Art. He is kind of a big deal!

The talk was really really good! I learned a lot and felt so smart when they were looking at his work through Freudian lens. It was just interesting and the hour FLEW by! I love living in the city for the fact that things like that are available to you. The tickets were only 4 pounds and it was good that we bought the tickets early because it was sold out! (the we being Freya and I. We went together!)

I came home and crashed and eventually went to bed. Sorry for no posting yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome lecture for you! I'm sure that you had a great time learning about the dress.

    You crack me up about the authors. Haha. I think you would have had some great comments about the cross dresser guy. I would have liked to hear them :) LOL. But I'm glad that you got someone that you liked better.

    And I'm glad that you were able to go to the lecture. Sounds fun!
