Friday, December 9, 2011


Not going to lie….. I was a bit disappointed in our field trip. We left at 8:30 and I was pumped and excited. I had been there about 4 years ago and wanted to see if I remembered anything! I especially wanted to seek out Blackwells! (my all-time favorite bookstore! Yup it beats Barnes and Nobles!) We arrived at about 10:00. They told us that we were going to leave at 3:45 so we could get back for the dumb Christmas party. Lame! I would MUCH rather hang out in Oxford! Anyways… we get off the bus at the Ashmolian Museum. (Oh and in the UK we HAVE to wear seatbelts on the ‘coach’. Weird) I had picked Andrew’s group to learn about silver and furniture. I was looking forward to it. It was TORTURE. We talked about EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE of silver there. It was tedious, long, and boring. The 30 minutes we spent on furniture wasn’t bad, but the first hour and a half on silver killed the visit.

At 12:15 we got to go on the lunch break! I brought my lunch because I didn’t want to spend money on food! I ate and wandered around the city. I found Radcliffe’s Camera and the Bridge of Sighs all by myself! I remembered where things were! I even found Blackwell’s. I am slightly ashamed to say that I spent most of my hour and a half break in Blackwell’s…. oops. Then I discovered the Blackwell’s Art shop across the street. I literally had to tell myself don’t buy anything over and over again. I wanted EVERY book! It was fine art, decorative art, everything! I avoided the University shop by telling myself I already have Oxford University sweatshirts and didn’t need any more!

At 1:45 I had to back at the museum and I barely made it on time (I blame the art books) I was so excited about the afternoon session. I had picked Christ Church Picture Gallery. Uncle Billy had brought me to see the Alice in Wonderland fireplace and stuff and I was excited to go back. We JUST saw the gallery. It was very VERY disappointing. The gallery had two rooms and while it had decent things, I was disappointed. Finally it was time to go home. I fell asleep on the bus ride and went home to eat and sleep. I was SO tired! So while it was nice to see Oxford, it was a disappointment.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that it was a disappointment :( I know that you were looking forward to going a little bit. At least you enjoyed Blackwell's!
