Saturday, December 3, 2011

Study Saturday!

Today was a lay day in the sense that I wore my pjs all day long and never left the house! I did get a lot accomplished though! I read a philosopher that we didn’t read in class and understood what he is saying and can relate it to my guy! I am excited and hoping to get brownie points for incorporating a person in that we didn’t read in class. That has to help right?? I kinda have some things to relate my guy to Kant so that helps and I can connect all three guys together! I am so excited for the break through! Tomorrow is all about writing it up! Hopefully I can get ¾ done tomorrow and finish it up on Monday. Those are high hopes though! Next week will just be busy busy busy! Sorry this is so short but really… that is all I did today! :)

P.S Congrats you have just read 75 pages of my life (46,911 words!)

1 comment:

  1. Haha...I'm glad that you had a lazy day. That's good that you have all of your notes put together. Now we just need a paper!! LOL.

    And I'm glad that I have read 75 pages!!!
