Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Long Day

Today was one of those days that you just never really wake up. I was in a daze all morning. I somehow got to school (and I don’t have my ipod to pump me up in the morning anymore thanks to my headphones blowing) I did get a seat today on the tube so that was nice! At Baker Street they plastered the new Sherlock Holmes tile up next to the old silhouette of Sherlock to celebrate the new movie. Im hoping they are stickers because it clashes and looks really bad!

Lecture this morning was complete and absolute torture. I think everyone felt that way. (at least my acquaintances and I thought so!) It was 17th century ceramics which you think would be semi interesting! Nope. The stuff didn’t change that much from the 16th century to the 17th. Everyone is still trying to copy the Chinese and make their earthenware look like porcelain. I just summarized the entire 1.5 hour lecture and you got everything out of it as we did. Yeah… rough morning! That didn’t help me wake up!

I ate lunch and decided to go print off my papers! I really miss having a printer. I miss that more than a microwave. (that is saying something!) My culture and ideology class went to the Kenwood House today. I was worried about getting there but I tagged along with Isabel and Katy. We made it with plenty of time. I saw the most amazing thing today…. Grass. I wanted to take off my sneaks and run through it in bare feet (even though it was chilly today. I have to finally put the liner in my coat!) The house is on a hill that overlooks the city of London. It was a pretty nice view! The house was impressive also! We looked at portraits from the 17th century (the collection has some big names, Reynolds, Rembrant, Fran Hals, and Gainsbourgh!) and we moved on to the 18th century. I like the 18th century MUCH better! Oh the library there was AWESOME. My jaw literally dropped. It was in the Neo-Classical style and beautiful. Add another story of bookcases and it would have rivaled the one in Beauty and the Beast (ok maybe not really, but at least this library was real!) Our professor (Patty the cool one) asked us if any of us like it. I raised my hand…. I was the only one. Pat was just like “o wow you like this?? Well you need to be a millionaire in life then”. Great. :) I really liked it though!

After class I wandered around the grounds some and really wished that I had brought my camera! It was nice and QUIET. I took two different buses to get home and I felt so proud of myself for figuring it out all alone!

Tomorrow is OXFORD! Woo! It will be a long day but hopefully good. Ill try to post pictures tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome sounding class! And of course you liked it :) That's alright.
