Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Manic Monday

The last Monday of my first term!! WOO! I woke up feeling way better than I usually do on a Monday morning! My commute wasn’t that cool though because I didn’t walk down the platform far enough (the train was basically there when I was walking down the stairs!) so I didn’t get a seat on the ride in. It’s not the end of the world, but it is nice to sit down and try to wake up, not balance to the movement of the train while I’m attempting to keep my eyes open!

Lecture was about two artists that I have never heard of and are apparently famous… Poussin and Claude. Im not a fan of Poussin… I dozed through that half of the lecture! I do like Claude’s stuff though! We talked about myths and cool stuff. It was good (once we got past Poussin!)

The afternoon was our last museum visit for the term! I was at the National Gallery. We talked about 17th century stuff and it was good. I actually talked in class and basically my answer kicked butt. :) I then headed home, made risotto for dinner, finished my paper (which took awhile!) and then went to bed. Wow what an exciting life I lead.

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