Friday, December 9, 2011


I was so tired when I got up today. Christies must hate us.. two papers due this week with an all day field trip and then a full day of lecture the day after. Gah. I was running late… I made it though in time to eat my cheerios. Patty gave the lecture today which was good. It wasn’t all that informative but it was entertaining! We looked at palaces and learned how much he hates Versailles!

The afternoon was the longest session we have ever had. (Again why do they do this to us!) It was on Marquetry though so that was awesome. The guy had apprenticed in Paris and makes/restores things using the old methods. Pretty awesome. It was lucky that he was entertaining and funny. Otherwise we wouldn’t have made it until 4 (yeah it was a long class) He had a thick French accent which was hard, but I got used to it. I touched turtle shell! SO cool! It was pretty, no wonder they used it on furniture! He took us through ALL the ages of marquetry and ended with his current pieces. They were STUNNING. I wanted one! One of the girls (also named Anna) asked him hw much they went for (which was good becaseu I was dying to know!) The cabinet was 25,000, and the two floor to ceiling ones were 45,00 apiece. Gah! Afterwards she went up and got his card! WHAT?? How do you have that much money! (she is a Russian with money…)

After class I ran home to eat, and get changed for the NUTCRACKER! It was really REALLY good. Way better than Sleeping Beauty! I also could see the entire stage which helped! It was a good view for 10 pounds! I wish I was a ballerina…. :(I came home and crashed into bed!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy day! The furniture sounds awesome, but ridiculously expensive. If you ever owned it you'd never want to touch it. LOL! And I'm glad to hear that the nutcracker was so awesome! What fun :)
