Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another Year Down

So today I completed year 22 and moved on to year 23… Im getting closer to the quarter of a century mark!! This birthday was an odd one. The whole living on the other side of the pond thing kinda did it! The last few bdays have been weird ones for me. Two years ago I had just started to be able to keep food down so I wasn’t going to risk the cake. Last year I was freaking out about my Honor’s oral exam and spent the day frazzled and stressed! This year I was across the pond and had to go to class all day!! Maybe next year will be a little more “normal”!

I woke up this morning and didn’t want to go to school! I was a good bday girl though and did get out of bed. The morning routine was the same, and I got to school with no problems or note-worthy occurrences! Class was ok… not horrible but not awesome either. It was on 19th century sculpture which I have never looked at before (I am pretty sure that I was the only one in the room who had never heard of Rodin!) It was interesting but it wasn’t my favorite art in the world!

After that was lunch because I actually had a full day of school today. People told me happy birthday and I couldn’t figure out how they knew and then I remembered…. Facebook! After our brief lunch (our afternoon class started at 1pm thankfully!) We all headed back into the lecture room to hear about catalogs for exhibitions.

It was an interesting session, but I felt like I was back in high school. I don’t think that the woman was used to giving talks and “teaching” so it was a bit odd. It was interesting though because we got to see what went into creating the exhibition catalogs, but it didn’t really help with our thesis.

Something that I have noticed… some British people say schhheddd- jule. It drives me crazy! Oh and I can no longer spell catalog, theater, and color without really thinking. (over here they are catalogue, theatre, colour) GAH! These Brits are killing me!

Anyways after school I took the tube to pick up my package that I had missed on Thursday (it was from my sister!) and came back to plop it in my flat. Then I was off to Sainsburys to buy bday dinner (garlic bread, a roast chicken, coleslaw and some tiramisu)

I had a good bday night, feasting and skyping everyone (So I could open presents!) I went to be (kinda late!) and slept in!!! I love birthdays!!

I forgot to mention… on Thursday I came home to a package with my name on it (well kinda y name. it said Anna Roda) I was pumped (it was my birthday after all!) I went upstairs, tore it open and it was… an ipad cover. I do not own an ipad, nor did I order a cover. I look in the package and see that there is an invoice saying that this cover costed 8 pounds. Hmmm. I get worried and check my credit cards, debit, paypal and bill me later accounts and there are no transactions. I email and they email me back telling me to email (the USA site) Sigh… so that will be fun to sort out!

Today (Saturday) I didn’t do anything blog worthy. I hung out here, did little stuff around the flat, and slept in!! Woo! Tomorrow Ill have more to blog about!

Until then…..

P.S The photo is of me chilling with my bday cake (a little early but it was good!)

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