Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 2: A Half Day

Today went much MUCH better than yesterday. It was short, fast and mostly painless! Getting out of bed was rough (I stayed up past my bedtime last night and really felt that this morning!) The only way I was on time for school was that I didn’t have to pack a lunch. I left the house 5 minutes late as it was… Oops.

This morning’s lecture was on realism and honestly I still have no idea what that REALLY means. We looked at all sorts of stuff today and it was in no particular order. It is lectures like that which make me miss HWS more than I already do. I miss scribbling furiously as Im trying to keep up with the information that is spewing from my professors, the awesome comparisons, and the insightful insights. None of that today. I was just trying to figure out her point when the lights came back on.

After an uneventful morning I headed home and thankfully the tube liked me today. Im a little worried about tomorrow… apparently the tube workers are striking on my line. According to TFL the line will be running just like every other day, but Im somewhat doubtful. Hopefully I wont have to take the bus to school tomorrow. Sigh.

If anyone is looking for a funny book I (once again) recommend Bill Bryson’s Notes From the Small Island. SO funny… like “snort out loud while on the tube pressed up against strangers” funny. His experiences and confusions in 1973 were the same as mine in 2011. I felt a lot better when I was also thought that a counterpane was a part of the window…. Good thing the Dragon pointed to it and told me not to sit on it! (it is a bedspread!) Also his very first rooming experience was in a boarding house run by a very Dragon like lady who also had a ton of rules. Lets just say he didn’t last long either!

This country is starting to rub off on me a bit. I a developing a love for all things British… Pubs, Cider, Tea, Tea Pots, Milk in my Tea, Little Biscuits, Funny Words and Phrases and I think that driving on the right side of the road is weird! One thing that is losing its charm… the English Accent. I would love to hear some American once and awhile! I am addicted to tea though. I have two-three cups a day and it always has milk in it. I don’t think Ill ever go back to un-milky tea!

Well Im off to write some of the posts that I have been ignoring. Katie I think you are right… Im still alive and typing so I think that the Cheerios were safe! :)

P.S Do you remember my Brighton photos.. the one of the Royal Pavilion? DO you remember the 4th Harry Potter movie? Well this is the punch thing for the Yule ball and it was based on the Royal Pavilion! Crazy huh??

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you don't have to worry about taking the bus tomorrow! I'm guessing that you do not have a study day already?

    I'm glad that you are liking British things! At least you can bring that home with you!! And then you won't have to hear the British accent all the time, unless you come visit my classroom (I have a student from the UK and she is going to be my TA next year).

    I remember your pictures, and that is awesome that they based the Yule Ball on the Pavilion. Very interesting things that you're learning!!
