Monday, April 30, 2012

Busy Busy Sunday

Today I slept in… which made me in a frenzy. I finally got up, got dressed and ran out to Sainsburys. I got my weeks of shopping (and was sad to see that the sales were nowhere as good as they were last week. I did find a jar of Indian Korma sauce (which was the dish that I had had when my parents and I went to Indian). I think next week I am going to buy some chicken and attempt to make Indian food. Wow what crazy adventures I have! Anyways… by the time I got home and unpacked, I had to run back out! (Oh I forgot.. it POURED while I walked home with my groceries. It was the first time that I really wished that I had a car here.

I headed to the Royal Academy to meet Isabel and Freya at the Zoffany exhibit. It was a good exhibit!!! I like him and his work. I wasn’t a fan of the works that he did in India, but I really likes his portraits and royal commissions. Overall it was a good exhibit with just the right amount of images because as soon as I was starting to get restless, it was over! Perfect!

After the exhibit we all parted ways and I came home to tidy up and ended up taking a nap (I had stayed up too late!) After my nap I was headed out again.. this time to Isabel’s flat for dinner. She had been nice enough to invite me to dinner for my birthday. I felt so horrible and rude, I had not planned enough time for my journey and didn’t arrive at her flat until 7:25. I was supposed to have been there at 7. Sigh.

Dinner was really good! We had paella with shrimps, and veggies, a salad with awesome dressing, and wine. It was really yummy! Her flat mate Beth was there too and we all hung out and talked. It was really nice! After dinner Isabel brought out a birthday cake which was so nice of her! It was one tasty cake with pieces of candied ginger on top. YUM! I stayed until 10:30ish and then had to head back home in order to make sure that I could get to Willesden Green before the tube stopped running. It was a busy but FUN day!!

P.S the picture is me having tea at the NAtional Cafe!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you poured on!!

    Let me know how making Indian food goes!!

    And I'm glad that you had such a nice dinner out!
