Thursday, April 26, 2012

Too Good To Be True

Today was ANOTHER half day! Groups 1 and 2 had a ceramics handling session this afternoon but 3 and 4 don’t have it until next Thursday! I have had THREE half-days in a ROW! I love it!!! I woke up better than I had been and left my flat on time! Plus when I stepped outside I was awake enough that I didn’t have to check to see if I had pant on, AND it was sunny. I didn’t even need my jacket on! Awesome.

The commute was uneventful. Although there is a strike, the tube is running normally. (thank goodness!) I did have a bit of a shock getting on my second train. I was engrossed in my foggy morning thoughts while stepping on the train, and after I second I realized that someone was saying my name. It was a girl from school. How crazy is that? We were both on the same train, in the same carriage. That never happens! So I chatted with her. She is really nice. Im bad at small talk, but asked the appropriate non-important questions and got through it. We chatted until the next stop, up the stairs, down the road, and into the building. Then I ate my cheerios, read some and headed in the lecture room.

As I was signing in I once again, like EVERY morning before, thought about how nice a big mug of coffee would be. I sighed and headed to me seat to wait for lecture to start. I was happy to see that it was on 19th century dress and not only was it a great topic, but also Jacqui is a GREAT lecturer that has a point to her talks, any actually dives into the topic more than just skimming the surface! I thoroughly enjoyed the lecture, and then waited after to receive the once again updated timetable for the term. I guess its not all done, but most of the blocks have been filled in! They went over it for us and finally at 12:20 we were free!

I came home and found a slip saying that I had missed a package. I think it is Katie’s! I have to wait until tomorrow after lecture to go and get it. I spent the afternoon doing little things that needed done, and after this I am off to look at thesis stuff. Sigh. Here is a random list of random thoughts I had on the tube today after class:

Things I have fallen in love with lately:
1. Pencil skirts. I have bought two within the last week
2. Nude Pumps… cant find a cheap pair anywhere. Sigh
3. Tea cups (even more than before)
4. Fabric. I LOVE IT!
5. Tea. Anything to do with tea. The tea, the pots, cups, plates, cakes stands, little cakes.. basically everything
6. Sundresses. Best thing next to sweatpants
7. This island and the crazy people that live here
8. Everything English (cider, pubs, tea, fascinators, coats of arms, country houses, country clubs, horses, and Burberry)
9. Cadbury Crunchie bars (they are basically a big candy bar of sponge candy!)

I am off to do work (hopefully) and clean my flat that has somehow exploded. (it always seems to do that!)

P.S If you have been faithfully reading, you have read 150 pages of my life and 95,183 words! I cant believe that I have written THAT much. I wish I could turn this in for my thesis!

P.S.S A dysfunctional picture of mom and I on the prime meridian (Dad took it too soon!)but i like it anyways

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