Monday, April 23, 2012

First Day: Term 3

Ahhh the first day of class. It is always the same… sleepless night, up before the alarm and super early to all of my classes. Not today. I slept like a rock (what does that even mean? What a silly saying….) anyways I was OUT when my head hit the pillow. Actually I don’t even remember it hitting. My alarm scared the crap out of me this morning and I smashed the snooze button about 15 times. I got out of bed late, threw on some clothes, slapped on some makeup, grabbed food for lunch and was out of the door 7 minutes later than usual. Not my usual start to new semesters/terms. I was still there at 9:50 and I CHATTED while I ate my cheerios (yup back to those.) Oh speaking of Cheerios… I really hope my dad opened the new box of cheerios without telling me and put the box back in the “box in waiting” spot instead of the I am open” spot. Otherwise I may have eaten store-opened Cheerios that have been spiked with a crazy drug. (If you saw where I live you would realize how big of a possibility that actually is!)

I walked into the lecture room and was depressed. There are two things that BUG the crap out of me. 1. There are no desks in the place. Do you know how lame it is to hold your notebook and write for an hour and a half. 2. We cant have coffee in the lecture room. Actually we cant have any food or drink besides water in the room. If you know how I was in undergrad, I lived off of coffee for my morning classes. I walked to class every morning with my travel mug filled with hazelnut coffee. I miss coffee.

Class was boring. Victorian painting was the topic this morning. Talk about a snoozer. Gah. I drank water out of my Sigg just to stay awake. Then it was an hour and a freaking half of lunch break which I actually chatted through. I did so much chatting! :) Then Isabel and I headed to the V&A for an hour and a half of pure torture. We talked about gothic revivals and I wanted to run away. Far Far Away.

Finally we were set free and I practically ran to the tube. I hopped on the Piccadilly line to Green Park and headed over to the Jubilee line and the train was pulling in right when I got there. Sweet! I hopped on, sat down, and the entire line gets suspended. Gah. There was a “smell of smoke” in the tunnel at St John’s Wood so the service got shut down as soon as I got on the train. The driver said that we were going to sit for a long time and to take other methods of transportation. Gah.

So I get off the train, exit the maze that is Green Park station, walked across the park, around the palace and wandered to find the 52 bus stop. Oh did I mention that it was POURING and I didn’t have an umbrella. FINALLY I found the stop and waited for the bus. I got on at 4:20 and was getting off the bus at my flat at 5:35. That was a bit ridiculous. By the time I was home my wet feet were cold, I am a grumpter, and HUNGRY.

I was lazy all night and ate dinner late. Eventually I showered and this is getting written way later than I thought. Sorry for the condensed versions of my day and sorry that I didn’t get caught up more on past posts!

P.S This is me outside of Christies

1 comment:

  1. Well, since you wrote this blog, I am assuming that your cheerios were not "spiked". :)

    Also, I'm so sorry to hear that you got drenched. It wasn't a nice day here either.

    Good luck on day two!
