Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lake Como (finally!)

I woke up today and even though I was excited to see Lake Como, I struggled getting out of bed. I stood up and instantly was sore. Taking a step was a lot of fun too! I got ready and headed down to breakfast. It was the same pathetic spread… I stole some rolls, stuffed food down my throat and headed for my train to paradise!

I got to the station and the train was already on its platform waiting for me! I read in Rick Steves that the back of the train didn’t reach the platform when the train stopped at Varenna, so I walked far down the platform to be in the front of the train. It was still early (half an hour before the train was leaving) so I snagged a good window seat and waited for the train to fill up. By 10:15 it had, and a friendly looking guy with dreadlocks sat across from me and opened a book. I stared out the window as the train pulled out of the station.

About a half of an hour later I look up and my jaw dropped… we came out of a tunnel into a mountain landscape. It was beautiful. I stared out the window until we went under another mountain. I hoped for scenery as beautiful as the last, and I wasn’t disappointed. We shot out of the tunnel and there in front of me was my very first view of Lake Como. It was just as stunning as everyone says. I drooled for another 15 minutes and then started getting ready to hop off the train at my stop. I was nervous about getting off at the right place! I saw the sign for Varenna and got ready to disembark!

I was stunned. It was beautiful! The kind of beautiful that pictures cant capture. It was a SUNNY day and in the distance a perfect silver mist covered the mountains and their snow-covered peaks. I think I stood outside of the station looking like an idiot, drooling everywhere, just taking in it. When I decided to move I headed the only direction that any sane person would head… the Lido (or beach).

I took a million pictures throughout the day! Everywhere I turned was a perfect picture! After gaping at the mountians and taking 100 pictures of the same on, I decided to head up the hill to see the castle that Rick Steve suggested. He said it was an intense 20 minute hike… yeah. Intense was a good word. I freaking climbed a mountain with a shoulder bag, wearing flats. I kept thinking that I had reached the top, and then I realized that I had indeed NOT reached the top or was anywhere close. I finally get up there and what do I do??? Trespass. In my defense I did not realize I was doing so. Finally when I saw all the ropes and realized I couldn’t get to the other side of the castle wall I thought that maybe something was wrong. I re-traced my steps and found a little booth thing that was…. Charging admission. Oops-seys. I handed over my 3 pounds and walked (uphill) along the path. I get to the clearing and the view makes the climb worthwhile. Again… I drooled and stared with my mouth open. ( I did a lot of this throughout the day) I explored the castle ruins (found a cool tower to climb that was even COOLER in the view dept), came back down and sat on the steps, basking in the sun, and ate my stolen lunch. (who says there is no free lunch! Take that Mr. Armstrong!)

Eventually I meandered back down the cliff and needed to pee. (This is the most inconvenient sensation. God perhaps needs to work on this… it always happens in the most tricky moments.) I knew I had saw a bathroom at the train station so I headed that way. I opened the door and went in. I closed it, turned around and my mouth dropped. This time in horror. Let me paint you a picture…. In front of me was a stand up shower, minus the shower head and the enclosing walls. Basically just the floor was there. On this floor, under the 5 inches of dirt and God only knows what else (seriously… God is the only one that could ever know) were two painted footprints facing my way. Instead of a drain was a hole the size of a softball. I just stared and then said (out loud) “oh HELL no”. I got out of that tiny little cubicle SO fast. I had found one thing in Lake Como that was far from beautiful. I went on a mission to relieve my stressed bladder (it was even more stressed after seeing that sight!) and looked at my guide book in desperation. Apparently Rick Steves is also aware of the inconvenience of having a bladder and he so helpfully pointed out some pottys on the beach. I really do love this man… he has saved my life many a time! SO I head that way and find said toilet. This time Im prepared… I walk in and see a toilet. Grungy and gross, but a toilet nonetheless. After seeing whatever that was in the first bathroom, as long as it was a toilet I was going to use it! Thankfully I checked for toilet paper before I sat down (I was LUCKY!) and there wasn’t any. I went out and raided the men’s and found a roll. I stole it (they had another one) and noticed that they had the half of a shower toilet thing. Haha that sucks! I did my business and walked out to wash my hands and there was this big. Tough looking guy standing by the sink staring into the men’s bathroom with a white face… I totally understood. I washed my hands SO fast, ran out and BURST out laughing. Not every nook and cranny in this paradise was beautiful!!!

After having that awesome experience I decide to take Ricks advice (he did after all just save my life) and I took a ferry across the lake to Bellagio. The ferry ride was epic (I drooled and took to many pictures) and I arrived at the most posh place I have ever been in my short life. I really felt out of place! Before shopping I decided to head out to the point and look up the lake. The walk was beautiful (no Georgie though I am afraid although there were some nice villas!) and when I reached the tip I could see all the way to Switzerland. (Im not kidding… I saw the Swiss Alps!)

After hanging out there I headed back to go shopping for my most expensive souvenir ever… silk. Lake Como is known for it so I was on the prowl. The shopping was an experience in its self. I was shopping on a posh boardwalk for silk in Lake Como. I think I pinched myself 30 times. I found the perfect store and headed in. Bad idea by the way… I wanted EVERYTHING. Literally. Eventually I picked out a square piece (for a table someday) and a cute scarf. I got a keychain or half price and chatted with the owner. (ALL in Italian I might add. BooYah!) I had paid and she was wrapping them all up when she says to me (in Italian) “Your man will love this scarf!” Wtf?? I had picked out a MAN’s scarf. How am I that dumb?? Gah. I couldn’t do anything about it now. I thanked her and headed back to the ferry. (When I got back I talked to mom and she suggested that I use it as a table runner. Im going to do that!)

I caught the ferry back after sitting on a bench for a bit. Then I wandered once last time around the area and headed to the train station. The ride home was easy and uneventful (thankfully!!) I grabbed McDonalds from the train station, ate it in bed while watching CNN, showered and fell into bed. Exhausted but happy!!!

P.S the picture is of Varenna from the ferry!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a beautiful place! And I am so sorry to hear about your potty issues! That is not fun at all!!!
