Monday, April 30, 2012

Felling a Bit Guilty

I woke up this morning…. At 10:20. Yup. I skipped class. Yup. I felt guilty. But this was a good reason for playing hooky. I had received an email of the upmost importance yesterday… the Olympic Football tickets were going on sale. They were up for grabs at 11am this morning. I have class until 11:45 and didn’t think that any tickets would be left by the time I got out of class, so I stayed home to attempt to get a little bit of history. The morning lecture that I was missing was on Degas, so I knew I would be ok. I still felt guilty the entire time though!

I got up and planned my attack of what tickets I was going to go for. I had my attack ready and at 11am I jumped in!! It was just as stressful as signing up for classes in undergrad! Everything went through really quickly and then when the site was processing my payment, I got an error. Oh crappers! I had to start all over and by this point I was basically sweating. All is well that ends well! I had a ticket for the USA women’s team vs Korea AND two tickets for the Quarter-Final match. Dear womans team.. I am basically betting on the fact you are going to be in that game. Don’t let me down!

After that stressful morning, I ate lunch, did some little things and then left to go to my afternoon museum visit. Todays was to the Courtauld, which I have never been to before! I actually loved it! We looked at Impressionist art which I am a huge fan of!! I really liked looking around! They have a great collection or Renior, Monet, Manet, and Van Gogh! It was a great visit!

It was a BEAUTIFUL day out. I wore a skirt and a three-quarter sleeve shirt with NO. COAT!!! LOVE! It was sunny and warm… perfect! It was a perfect day for walking around London. It was such a pretty day! I slowly came home, did some work around the flat, and finally washed my dishes! (There was a mountain of them!)

Im off to shower and get ready for tomorrow. Its getting late!

P.S The picture is of me of Wembley holding the fake FA cup!!

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