Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Last Day of Freedom

Today was my last day on this crazy, fun, and wild ride that was the last month! This break was the best I have ever had! Probably because I was in Europe for a month with nothing to do but show friends and loved ones around my temporary home. This time I was on my turf… not pulling out my hair while sitting at home with Coop. (I do miss Coop but life was pretty boring during those breaks!) I wasn’t back to rules, curfews and a town in the middle of nowhere. Instead I made rules (for my parents at least!) and everyday was packed full of events. This time it was my “house” that was filled with my parents stuff thrown all over, and my rules were being broken! Actually my parents did really well except for rule number 2 and 3.

1. Get on the bus at the front, leave the bus through the back.
2. Don’t step on the threshold from my living room to the kitchen. The carpet staples puncture your skin. (you would think that one would be followed!)
3. Close the toilet lid so when the towels fall off the rack (that is RIGHT above the toilet) they wont fall in the toilet. This one was never followed…
4. On escalators there are strict rules that were not put in place by me! If you want to stand and ride the escalator, stand on the right.

People wanting to walk up/down do that on the left. (people are NOT happy if they cant rush by you. Believe me I know) Today though was just me in my flat, sitting on the couch. I loved every second. I watched tv, caught up on emails, chatted with people, read, and put away my laundry all while rocking out to some tunes. Of course the day flew by because I am dreading tomorrow. I really don’t want to go back.

I think I have figured out my problem with Christies and why I don’t like it…. Im not inspired there. At HWS I was… I did an Honors project even! I was inspired and therefore motivated and excited to learn. Here I go through the motions and sit through uninspiring lectures and talking to tutors that I am not close to. I miss KNOWING my professors, meeting them to talk about things in a cafĂ© and knowing that they were always there to help. I do better when I have to manage my time and here we have two things due a term and no reading to do for class. I know that since I am in a masters course it is assumed that I am reading on my own to learn the material. Im sorry but I can read and learn by myself for free… not pay a unbelievable amount and be in debt over my head so I can teach myself art history. Sigh.

Today while feeling sorry for myself that I have to go back to real life tomorrow, I read A Street Cat Named Bob. I have followed this guys story in the Standard so when I saw it on the shelf at Waterstones I picked it up. The basic story.. a guy living in charity housing is a recovering heroin addict who is cleaning himself up and is a street musician in Covent Garden to support himself. He finds a cat on his door step, patches him up, spends his day wages on a trip to the vet for Bob, and the cat wont leave. Basically its an awesome story about how a cat saved this guy (he becomes completely clean and gets a job selling the Big Issue magazine)because he wants to be clean in order to take care of Bob. Then I got to thinking after all of this… this guy is living hand to mouth and standing outside all day long hoping to make enough money to feed himself and pay his bills and I am complaining about going to GRAD school. Talk about perspective. So Im going to be better about going complaining about Christies. (I know I just did in my last paragraph!)

Anyways…. I had a good day! Back to reality tomorrow which will be nice to be back on a schedule. Knowing when your next meal is, when it is, and when you will see the next toilet is always nice. I wont do much walking tomorrow! Just sitting in class. Weird! Off to bed early to be ready for, perhaps, the last first day of a school term ever. That is SCARY. I promise that I am back on a schedule for my blog and that it is officially back up and running. Ill keep working on catching up on Phases 1-3!

P.S the picture is of me in front of the scale model of Hogwarts!


  1. I'm glad that you had such a fun month, although I know that it went by fast. I like your rules! i think they are very good.

    Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to catch up with you :)
