Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Wish The Whole Term Could Be Like This

I was late again. This isn’t good. Usually this is how my term goes…

1. Day one: Im extremely early. Embarrassingly early. Usually the class before me hasn’t finished yet.
2. Mid-term: Im on time. I am there comfortably early. I am one of the first to arrive, but not the first and the class before has long disappeared.
3. Last 3 weeks or so: Im running late. I hit my alarm for ages, finally get up and throw on clothing, slap on makeup, pull my hair into some sort of ponytail and sprint out of the door with half of my belongings in my hand.
I am already on step 3 of this cycle and it is the third day. The worst thing about this… My belonging that are falling out of my arms as I am sprinting out of the door no longer includes a travel mug of coffee. Sigh. I would do anything for coffee. And a desk to write on.

Today I wasn’t late late, just late enough to have to hurry this morning. I hurried so much that I got outside and looked down to make sure that I didn’t have pajama pants on (or worse case no pants at all!) To make the morning even more delightful, it was pouring and WINDY. I wonder how many umbrellas Londoners go through a year. I bet it is quite a few considering my parents experienced a umbrella fatality, and many looked somewhat worse for wear by the time I got to the tube station. I now am understanding the whole “it always rains in London” thing. I think it has rained for a week now (it never rains for the entire day, but lately it has been for the majority of it!).

Something I have learned while living here that I thought only existed in movies. You can get drenched walking along the sidewalk when a car hits a puddle near you. I thought that was only a cute little meeting for star-crossed lovers in movies. Girl gets drenched, guy swoops in with large trench coat, girl falls for guy, guy falls for girl, something happens that causes them to break up, then something happens to cause them to realize how stupid they have been, someone chases another through an airport, stops said someone from flying away and lives happily ever after. None of that happens… just the part about getting drenched by a passing car who hits a puddle with force, causing the water to hit your leg and run down into your shoe.

Another random thought today… it is fortunate that Londoners are clam and polite people because otherwise I feel like the rain could be dangerous. While carrying my umbrella from the Jubilee train to the Hammersmith train I had strong urges to take my umbrella and WHACK people. They were all tourists standing on the left side of the escalator, walking down the up side of the stairs, and altogether stopping suddenly right in the middle of the traffic flow with 125 people behind them. It took everything in me to not whack people on the head, rib, or shins. When a person cut me off to get onto the tube first (tourist) dragging his wife with him I then came to the conclusion that it was a good thing that Londoners are chill and polite people because otherwise every tourist would be black and blue by the time they flew back home! On the other hand, it would keep those tourists in line…. :)

Today was a HALF day! I wish the entire term was like this! I LOVE half days!Class today was about William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement. I am a fan of William Morris, but not so much the arts and crafts crap. This term is new territory for me. All my previous art history classes have stopped around the Rococo era. (that was for a reason btw!) So this semester I have to put up with modern stuff. Thankfully I wont have to go into the contemporary “art”! The Impressionists will be fun to look at. I do like their work, but get past that era and Im just not a fan!

Well I am home for the day since it is POURING outside. I am NOT complaining though because the weather is nowhere as bad as it is in WNY right now. (Where is it ever worse than it is in WNY??) I am attempting to work on the blog posts that I am behind on. They will come soon enough! No worries!

Random thought… blogspot now keeps track of the views that each post gets and how many times my blog is viewed everyday. I knew that there were more people reading than I thought from all of the email and facebook messages that I have received about my blog. I had NO idea, however, HOW many people were reading this! I don’t know why you would want to, but thanks for checking in and reading my posts!!

Off to try to be constructive!

P.S the picture is random.. its of the coolest bird I have ever seen. Well... until it stood up. Then it was kinda ugly and no longer very cool.....

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