Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Officially VACATION!!

I woke today at 9:30 which I took as a sign to get out of bed and get working on my paper. I actually was feeling pretty motivated so I made a cup of tea (I am now a pro) complete with milk and sat down to work. It was a rough start. I had a basic outline but I needed to look up some stuff about another philosopher. By 11:30 I had only written 244 words, but I knew EXCATLY what I was going to say when! I took a mini break and then dove back in. I cranked it out pretty fast!!! By 5:15 (after a few serious losses in motivation) I somehow finished. I am a FREE girl now until April 23rd! I am so excited to be on break in LONDON! I have all this free time to explore the city! Also I am excited for all my visitors who are lined up to stay with me this month.

I can NOT believe it is almost April! Woo! I love LOVE spring! It has been such awesome weather lately too here in London. I missed an especially good day today (70 degrees, sun, blue sky) but that is what I get for procrastinating that long!

Random thing…. There is a down side to those cool double decker buses that London is so famous for. I had a dance party to celebrate my freedom, and I have a feeling I had some spectators as I looked out of the window as a bus went by…. Oops! Good thing I will never see them again! Haha

The rest of the night is going to be pretty chill as I lounge in freedom. I may watch Ever After (the only movie I brought with me!) I am WELL aware that I am still behind on my blog… I may work on it tonight! It depends how my fatigued fingers are doing and how much I want to continue typing!

P.S the photo is my FAVORITE from Lake Como

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear that your paper is done!! And you crack me up about the double decker bus!
