Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Break Through

I slept in for a long time today. I had one of those weird half dreams when you are trying really hard to wake up but you cant. Mine was mom yelling at me to get out of bed and do something or other!! I was very confused when I finally pried my eyes open to see my London flat! It took a minute to realize that I wasn’t in Ashville and mom was not in fact yelling at me. It was win-win on both realizations!!

Anyways I got up and headed to the post-office. I tried to exchange Al’s Bulgarian money for him but they wouldn’t. I chatted with my post office guy (I have a Sainsburys one and a Post Office one) He wanted to know if I was ready to go home yet. I told him no and that I had too much to do. He also wanted to know how my trip to Bulgaria was and if I liked it. I had to explain a few times that I didn’t go and that I was exchanging my friend’s money. I think he got it eventually!

After the post office I decided that I felt like a walk so I walked to the tube station and went to Sainsburys where…. You guessed it… I found more lego men. Oops.

I also found Olympic stickers and a really cool Britain’s top 100 historical sites to see. (when I read it I tripled my bucket list!!! The only reason that all 100 didn’t make it on the list was because I needed a car to go see them!) In line I was in front of the cutest old lady who told me her hands were really cold and then TOUCHED my bare ar. They were epically cold!! Mom I think that they may have beat yours! Her hands were only white though… they hadn’t started to turn frostbite black like yours does…! After she touched me she said “Oooo Im so sorry. That was probably a bit chilly on your arm!” A BIT?? I just laughed and said a little. She was cute.

I eventually found my way back home. Alex was up and dressed at that point and was deciding what he wanted to do. He eventually headed off to Hampton Court and I settled in to work on my thesis. I finished a book, read a chapter in another and I HAD A BREAK THROUGH! Its about time! I am going to look at the phenomena of traveling for pleasure and what allowed it (better road, carriages and the development of the middle class) and why they traveled (picturesque, nationalism, romanticism) and where (abbeys, country houses, and ruins). I only have 12,000 words including the catalog entries so I may have to narrow that down some! The picturesque may go along with the abbeys. We shall see what I dig up though while Im researching!

After that light bulb moment I skyped my parents which turned into an hour+ conversation! I then went back to work and found a ton of articles! That was basically my day. I finished my tacos tonight and I don’t want to eat one for a very long time. Oh I Robin Hood after to chill (the one with Russell Crowe) and it was eh. The only good thing about it was Russell Crowe. The movie ended with where I thought it was going to start!

Now it is time for Game of Thrones. I have been ignoring it because the characters in this book aren’t my favorite and after reading for my thesis all day I don’t want to read as much for fun!


  1. Haha you crack me up! Where can you exchange his money then? And post offices are open on Sunday's there? Hmmm, interesting!

    I am glad that you now have all the Lego olympic people :). Is there a soccer one?

    The old lady story is funny! Usually little old ladies are funny, just be artful there are some mischievous ones that might try to steal your wallet, haha!

    I am also glad that you had a break through! Awesome! Good luck with all the reading!

  2. Sister I wrote this yesterday so it was a Sat! Silly!!! I didnt exchange his money. Its hanging out on the living room table. They do not have a soccer player :( how lame is that??

  3. Ohhhhh. Haha sorry! And yes that is lame!
