Monday, July 23, 2012

Thesis, etc.

Nothing has happened really in my world since getting back from Dover on Friday. Saturday I sat around and started work on my thesis again. I wrote the first chapter and was feeling good about. Alex left at 4pm for his crazy stupid 12 hour bus ride to Ireland. Don’t ask me why he didn’t just fly… I kept working on my thesis and went to bed around 11. I told you…. Boring!

Today was the same old thing. I got up, went to the post office quickly (wore my sandals, dress and sunglasses. It was 79 out today!) and then came home to write. I didn’t get as much done as I wanted. Only 1400 of the 2000 word goal, and I didn’t finish my carriage chapter. It was just one of those days. I really had ADD!

Tomorrow Im off to Windsor which should be fun! Its supposed to be 80 and sunny so I am looking forward to wearing a sundress and being outside in the sun! Ill post pictures tomorrow but probably wont write my blog about it until Wednesday (unless I get home early and am motivated!)

1 comment:

  1. It's ok to lead a boring life :). Good luck on the thesis...just keep working, just keep working :). Have fun on your day trip!
