Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is it Over Yet???

I love to read. I really do, but today I read 194 pages on early tourism and 26 on turnpikes. All I do is READ! I think my eyes are going to start bleeding or something. Gah. Anyways Ill start at the beginning….

Yesterday I bought tickets to go to the Wedgwood museum in Stoke-On-Trent on Monday. Alex didn’t want to go (he is absolutely crazy) and since he is going to be in Leeds I decided to just do it and go! There is a museum, factory (that you can tour) and perhaps best of all….. a factory shop!! (complete with rejects! If they have a reject vase that would be awesome!) I am very excited! The trip will spice up my life and my blog!

This morning I was wide awake at 9 so I decided to finish my movie that I had started last night… Mary Poppins. Has anyone watched that recently?? It was WAY better than I ever remembered it being and I didn’t make the connection that it was filmed in London!! I picked up so much more than I did when I was little, and I got the English jokes and spotted English things!! I had such a fun time watching it. To make everything even better it was a free movie! Awesome.

The buzzer rang at 10 and scared me half to death! It was my books arriving from Amazon! I REALLY needed both of them so it was a nice surprise this morning. Then I got dressed and headed off to Chrisites to print stuff. That is getting so old… a 20 minute tube ride + a walk to print things. I saw Andrew in front of me so I held back until he went inside. Then I hurried to the door and ran downstairs to the library. I printed my stuff and walked out of the computer room and… ran into Andrew. You have got to be kidding me. Why am I so incredibly horrible at avoiding people???? GAH! I said hi and kinda kept shuffling along. He just opened his mouth to be annoying when someone ran up to him and started to ask him a question. That is when I snuck away!! Phew.

Since it was SUNNY outside I decided to walk down to Rymans and buy more highlighters, more paper, and more post-its. This thesis is getting expensive. (I also had to put 10 pounds on my printing credits this week) Then I kept walking to Oxford street to catch the bus home and take advantage of the sun. That is when I walked by United Colors of Benetton and saw the big yellow signs that said “70% off”!!! For those of you who don’t know… I love this store. I discovered it the first time I went to Rome with my uncle, went there all the time when I lived in Rome, always have to stop in NYC, and really didn’t have any hope of buying anything in the one here because of the exchange rate. 70% evened it out though!!! WOO! Lets just say I have a new dress (for that kick butt job Im going to find when I come home!) and I had to put so many things back. I wanted everything. If only money grew on trees….

I eventually caught the 98 home and came back. I put things away, made tea and started reading. That basically sums up my afternoon… reading. Is this over yet???

P.S the picture is of one of the many trees that the Queen owns with Buckingham in the background

1 comment:

  1. It does sound like a lot of reading but I am sure it will pay off! Sounded like a nice day in London! Your dress is really pretty. Glad that you could find something nice. Good luck reading more!
