Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I don’t know how many of you are Winnie the Pooh fans but there is a part in the one of the movies (or the only movie. To be honest I just watched whatever mom put in the vcr so Im not really sure) where Pooh and little Piglet are walking in the snow and Piglet thinks that they had been by a tree before. Before long they see footprints and long story short… they have been walking in circles. That is how I feel in terms of my thesis. I keep finding sources to read (which is GREAT don’t get me wrong!) but then I find a nugget of information that gets me thinking an eventually I go around in a circle and I end up near where I started and nothing has really changed except for Im all confused and have to untangle brain/thoughts. (which usually causes me to think about one thing which leads to another and the circle is starting all over again!)

I haven’t written in a day or two. Sorry! Nothing is really all that new. (Alex and I are still both alive. That’s good!) I had gone to the library yesterday to print lots of stuff so I could read. After the library though I didn’t want to go back and sit in my flat so I headed down to the river to see the Olympic rings (see facebook). Then I came 2ish and read 5 articles, skimmed 3 (they weren’t all that helpful) and started to organize my sources before falling into bed completely out of it!

Oh I did forget…. Sunday I went to Marks and Spencer’s to do my weekly shopping because I had received a gift card when my bought my piece-o-crap phone after my poor droid got stolen. Sigh. Anyways so I went to Swiss Cottage because that is where the closest one to home is at. As soon as I come up the stairs from the tube it starts POURING. Thankfully it wasn’t a long walk and I had google mapped it before I left, but nonetheless I was a drowned rat when I walked in. To make it even better I was completely underdressed for this shopping establishment. I was the only person in jeans. Apparently I should have pulled out the pencil shirt, blouse, pearls, and had a large rock on my finger. I felt so out of place! Everything was more expensive than at Sainsburys too, but I knew that was going ot be the case because I had been in a M&S on Oxford Street. I got my groceries, checked out (my basket of nothing was 20 pounds! Thankfully my gift card covered 16.50!) and headed back to the tube in the SUN. Seriously London?? I did get a (almost) free week’s worth of food though!

Speaking of food I made risotto last night with my yummy ingredients from M&S. Since all they had was organic I had organic carrots, peas, and crazy high end parm cheese. The risotto was SO good though! And I made it from memory because I had deleted the recipe from my computer. I was so proud of myself!

That is all that is new here. Today I am sitting inside AGAIN reading, making lists, and organizing my horrible mess of sources. I don’t know how they all got so out of hand!! That’s my day. At least it is gloomy out again so it feels all cozy inside while I read. Oh and I drink tea by the gallon. Its my new coffee I guess and it helps me to stay awake and focus. I don’t know what the Boston Tea Party men were thinking…. Tea is yummy stuff!!! (ok I know WHY they did it.. I’m just saying it was a waste to throw it into the water and not be able to drink it!) Speaking of the Revolution, it really helps my thesis that it happened because it caused nationalism in England and that, along with the French Revolution that made it impossible to go on their Grand Tour, inspired the tourism and travel in England. BooYah!

Ok I really need to go work!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Thank you for all the info. I hope the thesis work starts getting easier once you have it organized! Good luck!
