Monday, July 30, 2012

So Much New Stuff

Ok so I just realized that it has been ages since I have written! Sorry!! I think it is because I spend all day typing (or supposed to be anyways) that at the end of the night I don’t want to do anymore of it!

A LOT has happened since I have last posted. First the Olympics have STARTED! Oh my goodness how lucky am I? I pinch myself daily. I am so lucky to be here and I am hoping to make every second count. I stalk the ticketing website and have been pretty successful! Lets start at the beginning…..

How about that opening ceremony??!! Very British (which made it good) but I wasn’t blown away by it. The best part… the Queen “jumping” out of a helicopter. I love her. She had the Queen Elizabeth II twinkle in her eye when she walked out on the stage. I would love to get to know her! Otherwise it was ok… Really surprised that the Spice girls didn’t make an appearance! Oh and the USA outfit…. Ugly. I don’t think Ralph Lauren nailed it. I loved Denmark’s, Jamaica’s and India’s though! I had a chance to go to the Opening Ceremony and regretted it leading up to the start, but glad I didn’t spend the money after seeing it. Being in the stadium for McCartney’s Hey Jude would have been fun though! The torch… best ever. Having kids light it?? A good message and idea but at the end of the day Redgrave got the shaft.

This happens to the year that I cry through everything. I don’t know whats up with me. I have choked up SO many times already and it is only day two. Some highlights was Michael Phelps not showing up at all to that race against Ryan. Don’t know what happened there. USAWNT have a place in the quarters. They haven’t missed the final since womens soccer has been an Olympic sport. I hope they don’t pick this year to not make it! Im hoping for a USA vs GB final, but have a feeling that Brazil will put up a fight!

Today Becky Adlington got the bronze in the 400 free. She was the reigning gold medalist but was crying for joy that she got the bronze. I THINK that was only time I cried today! :) It always gets me when the athlete starts crying in the interview. Gah! The USA mens lost their relay… got the silver instead of the gold. Phelps had the team way out in front too!

Enough overview, time for my Olympic excitement. I realized that the only way to get into the Olympic Park complex was to have a ticket to one of the venues. How can I be at the London 2012 Olympics and not go to Olympic park?? I spent all day on the site. I kept thinking I got the Aquatics centre tickets (something I desperately want) but was too slow every time. I finally got field hockey tickets for Thursday at 7pm. Im going to go at noon and stalk all the news anchors and athletes. Im not even kidding. I want to find Ryan, Michael, Nastia (a news anchor now), Lester Holt and of course…. David Beckham. I doubt any of that will happen but hey… you never know!

My biggest excitement was tonight. I was writing my thesis and realized that it was 10:30. I had gotten the hockey tickets around that time last night so I decided to check out the site really fast. The unthinkable happened. I saw a ticket available. I didn’t believe that it really was because so many times have I clicked on a ticket, requested it, and then have it be gone. I clicked on it anyways and while it was loading checked facebook and my email. I go back and its in my cart. I have 2 minutes to buy it. I still don’t believe it. I clicked on my saved visa card and wait. Then the payment goes through and Im on the “congrats” page. This is the moment I literally start jumping up and down. I have to say I was shouting OMG the entire time. I have one of the hottest tickets in town. Beach Volleyball. To make it better its Misty May and Kerri Walsh. I LOVE them. (sorry if that was a complete let down!) Gymnastics and swimming would be awesome but the tickets are going for too much now!

Besides the Olympics I have been writing my thesis. Slowly. I wasn’t on the email list apparently (after 3 emails to the admin throughout the year to tell them that my HWS email was shut down) with all this extremely important info about my thesis. Thankfully Isabel was awesome and forwarded it to me (lifesaver!) My thesis is due Sept. 19th. Oh and Andrew said that it had to be in their hands on the 19th… according to the official email it has to be post marked by the date. I wish they could all get on the same page. There are TWO tutors for the Master program and the admin office… how hard can it be to all have the same information?? So glad that I am almost down with their lack of communication!

I have had to take apart my sink twice in an attempt to unclog it. The first round went to the sink, but the second went to me! It finally works again. I was really super close to throwing up the first time, but thanks to my sisters safety gear ideas I only gagged a little the second time!

Well its midnight and I am 300 words under my goal for today so I need to go attempt to crank it out. Ill be better at blogging now! I have THREE Olympic events this coming week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) so be sure to check in every now and then. Ill have them posts asap!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Have a great time. I am also glad that you conquered your sink! I am glad that my ideas worked. I can't wait to hear all of your stories.
