Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Recruitment Day

Im so tired. So so tired. This morning I got up at 8 and was out the door at 8:40 in my dress and heels. I was off to go to Recruitment day for the CSP Olympic job and I thought that I should look somewhat presentable! I got off the tube at Wembley and headed in the general direction of the stadium. I knew that the Hilton was on the right side, but when I got to the street there was construction everywhere! (Dear construction men, there is only 9 days until the Olympics come to town. You may want to get a move on it. Love, Anna) I couldn’t go left, so I went right. I walked down the block and then wanted to go left… more construction. Gah. I walked up to the man in the green vest that was guarding the road and asked if I could walk through. He didn’t know (it was his first day) so he went to ask someone else. Apparently I could!! Sweet! I walked through and saw the Hilton! Score! 10 minutes early and everything.

I walk into the Hilton, go the reception (like my email had said) and asked where to go. The man had never heard of it. Ok then…. The concierge came up and told me it was at the other Hilton… the Wembley park one (Let me just point out that this Hilton had Wembley across the side of its building! Just saying!) He was incredibly nice and gave me directions to the other hotel. It was up the road, around the corner, and down that road. I found it and walked in and noticed right away that this was not nearly as nice as the other Hilton. That was probably why we were here!! I heard another girl ask where the CSP was so I followed her up the stairs. The table was right there so I checked in and went to sit down. I had to fill out a interview sheet with the dumbest questions on it, and then was called after 3minutes into the interview room.

I met with a really nice lady who read my answers to the interview questions, asked if I knew a language and then said (and I quote) “We call people that we want in 24 hours. You look smart so you will be getting a call”. Ok…. I guess being the best dressed one there helped! So I got a job in 45 seconds and then she sent me on my merry way. I walked out of the hotel’s door at 9:32am… like 10 minutes after I walked in! I expected to be there the entire morning! I headed home and went inside as quietly as I could. Its always fun when you have been out and about and your flat mate is still sleeping. Jealous!

I ate lunch and talked to Al when he got up. Then I headed back out to print off our bus tickets for tomorrow. This week has been so busy. Friday and Saturday will have to be work days I think!

I have thought of lots more words that I have forgotten. Here are some

Nappies are diapers
You go on a holiday not on a vacation
People use vouchers not coupons
Notes are bills (as in dollar bills)
Packages are dispatched, not shipped or delivered
A courier brings mail, not a mailman
You are keen on something if you like it
And proper is used all the time!!!

Off to Dover tomorrow. I hope it will be fun. Its supposed to rain so we shall see!

P.S the picture is of my new hat that I bought for a whopping 3 pounds! Its for when I go to visit my sister in VA and hit up the beach. This way I hope I dont burst into flames!

1 comment:

  1. I also love reading about your adventures. They always seem so interesting! Maybe you could just write a thesis about your life. Haha, I know that you can't :). I am glad that you found the interview place. Have you received a call yet? I am sure you will. Can't wait to hear all about it! And really there are 2 Hilton's within like 2 blocks of each other? Crazy!

    Have fun tomorrow! Can't wait to see you on the beach with your new hat. I think it will help you from becoming a crispy critter :)
