Friday, July 6, 2012

Discovering Im Crazy On A Visit to a Crazy Persons House

I was looking back through my blog today and realized that I have posted over 200 times and basically everything is documented (I am mad at myself for not keeping up with the blog over breaks. Sigh) I cant believe how well I have kept up with this OR how many people are reading. According to my stats I had 50 pageviews today. I know that isn’t 50 people per say, but still… I didn’t know I had that large of an audience!!!

Today wasn’t all that special. I woke up at 10:30 or so and somehow dragged myself out of bed!!! I ate a cookie, made Alex decide what he wanted to do, and was off to Christies to print/make copies. We got there without any trouble and I did what I had to do while Alex basically read everything in the library. I picked out a few books while he was browsing and it was at that point that I realized how dumb I was for going to the library first. Now I had to carry 6 books around with me for the rest of our outing. Smart move.

After Chrisites we headed to the Freud Museum in Finchely Road. It was on my bucket list and Al was interested so we stopped there on the way back home. It was in a beautiful part of Finchely road with LARGE brick houses, large leafy trees and patches of grass. We found the museum and went inside. It was pretty cool. Everything was how he left it when he died which was fun. The study was the best part by far! We saw the famous couch, all of his rugs and his antiquities. It is scary though… it seems like every crazy person has a collection. His was antiquities… it was an obsession apparently. That does not bode well for me who on the way home from the museum stopped at the Sainsburys with the Lego men and bought more. (The swimmer was the only new one out of the bunch) I love having similarities to Freud and other crazy people….

After Sainsburys we headed home and ate lunch. Then I needed to read and did so for about an hour and a half. Then at 5 (well 5:03 because she was late) I FINALLY got to skype the sister!! Her trip sounded amazing and we ended up talking for a little over 2 and a half hours!! If you haven’t seen her Hawaii pictures go stalk her on facebook! They are pretty amazing!!

That was my day! Busy, but not very exciting when it comes to writing a blog post about it!!

P.S The picture is of freuds couch. I didnt take it though because photography wasnt allowed :( Oh and you can see some of his collection on the mantle. Picture 2... my collection with the new member... the swimmer! Dont you love his little speedo and cap!!!???

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love the swimmer! You are a little crazy but that's ok with me!M. I still love you!

    I had such a fun time skyping you! And I am glad that your thesis may be coming along better :)

    Love you!
