Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Back to Lame Class

Today it was rough getting out of bed. My legs were sore from standing all day yesterday and I was just sleepy! I decided to eat my cheerios before I went to class (so stressful!) but I can leave later if I eat at home! I left at 9:15 and my commute was nice, quiet and boring. I read through it so I don’t remember much about it! I got to class and went into the lecture room and read until class started.

Today was German Expressionism. The lecturer was really good and engaging (a rare thing at Christies) So it was a nice morning. I think that our lecturer was a Borg… a good looking Borg but a Borg nonetheless. He was leaning against the wall during most of his lecture and the light from the window coming in and hitting his face. The light would hit his eyes and do crazy stuff. It looked like there were computer chips in his eyes. They were probably just contact lenses, but they were crazy. It looked like something out of a spy movie, when they pop in a contact lense and can see a screen. I think he was a Borg. I stared at his eyes for most of the lecture (I took notes too! No worries) It was the weirdest thing though. Where is Piccard when you need him….

After class I was free to go home!! Woo!! I have caught up on stuff and written my blog (which really took awhile! My last post was 1900 words!) I need to go send off some emails and then make dinner! (tacos!)

Real life is lame compared to celebrating the Diamond Jubilee….

P.S the pictures are going to be of the Jubilee for a bit. I have run out of others!!

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