Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Start to an Awesome Weekend

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday! The night just got away from me and by the time I realized I had forgotten to write, I was really ready for bed! There isn’t too much to tell from yesterday. I got up late, and then had to stop at Sainsburys to pick up a snack for Freya’s b-day picnic that we were getting together for after class! I ran in and grabbed some strawberries and ran back out! I did manage to get to class on time (a little early actually!) I finished my Salmon book on the tube and as I was waiting for class to start. It was ok… I haven’t decided if I recommend it yet or not. Apparently the movie has a much happier ending!
Class was ok… the lecturer knew what she was talking about and actually talked about significant things BUT the structure was kinda out of order and confusing. She kept switching between artists and years so I kinda got lost. All I got out of it was Fauvism=color. Glad that I sat there for an hour and a half for that one.

After class we all assembled and headed to Regents Park to celebrate Freya’s birthday. It was fun. We all sat around and nibbled on snacks (I was starving so I was trying not to be greedy!) and drank some wine. It was a nice day out too (not too hot, not to cold and no blinding sun which is good for fair skinned people such as myself!) All and all it was a nice time!

I am so ridiculously excited for the Jubilee weekend! I am hoping to see the Queen twice! Hopefully being 4 hours early will be early enough to be able to get a spot that I can at least see the boat she is on/the balcony at Buckingham! We shall see!

Can anyone else believe that it is JUNE?? I feel like it was JUST Sept and I was living with the meanest/craziest person on earth. Time sure does fly, even if you aren’t having fun apparently!

P.S Me at the Eiffel Tower! (I realize this has nothing to do with this post but I am running out of pictures)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice birthday picnic with fraya. Have fun at the jubilee! I can not wait to see pictures!!
