Monday, June 18, 2012

My Last Monday!

Today was the Monday I have been waiting for… the LAST one!! That didn’t help me get out of bed any faster this morning though!!! I decided on a dress today because it is June after all and June is the “break out the dresses” month and I was determined for it to be a nice day. (more on that later) I got down my trusty cheerios and took a few to eat while I was pouring a bowl. I have never done this, but I bet if I took a cardboard box and held it underwater for a day or so and then tried to chew it that the cheerios and the cardboard would have the same texture. Yummy. So I switched over to my chocolate Wheaties and learned something else. Wheaties turn into a soggy mush as SOON as you put milk on them. They soak all the milk up and turn into a soggy mass. I ate as FAST as I possibly could and ¾ of the pieces were mushy. This is why I don’t put milk on my cereal!!

After that scarring experience, I was out the door and on my way to the tube. It was a wee bit nippy out but I thought that it was 9am after all and by the time the sun comes out this afternoon it will be nice. I forgot what city I was in apparently. It was not any nicer at noon. It was probably 60 degrees, cloudy and windy. The breeze cut right through the fabric and my short sleeves weren’t helping my arms at all. Tomorrow I wont be as optimistic. The weather channel claims that it is going to be 71 but after today Im not so sure!!

Class was nice. I really like Gill Darby, our ceramics lady. She actually teaches us stuff when she lectures! Today was all about early 20th century glass and ceramics. She was mad that we didn’t go post-war (join the club!) We looked at Tiffany, Galle, and Orrefors (the main companies/people) I have decided that I am going to start collecting Galle glass. It is BEAUTIFUL but unfortunately uber expensive. I didn’t know that Orrefors did colored things. I just knew about the chunky pieces (that everyone in my family seems to have except for me….) I googled them and they have some amazing things. I would take one of everything!!!

After class I had to go buy a padded envelope to send my book that I had sold on Amazon to the lady who bought it. That was fast and painless but standing in line at the post office was not. A wait at the post office in this country is fast if its until 20 minutes. I would love to stick CHQ people in that line. Im sure they would be irate by the time they got to the window considering they want their own line at Wegmans! Anyways I managed to mail my package and headed back home. (I was freezing by this point. Again I did not have the proper clothes on today)

I did my grocery shopping on the way home from school. Im living this crazy, wild life by switching up my shopping day from Sunday until Monday. Oh the excitement! The store was much quieter though and the really nice guy who I haven’t seen in forever was there so I went in his line. He is so nice and always chats. I bought the Buffalo Wing Franks Hot sauce because I noticed it on the clearance shelf for .99p! He reads it as he scans it and says “Is this buffalo sauce any good? Its ALWAYS on sale and no one ever buys it.” I assured him it was delicious and that I could drink the bottle. He just looked at me and said “How did you ever try it in the first place?” I laughed and said I was from that area of NY (its easier sometimes. I have gotten lazier and lazier trying to explain where I actually live so I stick with south of Buffalo) “oh. Well I see on tv that you Americans like ‘wings’ from this place. I want to try them when I go to NYC this summer.” I say “oh no. No those are not Buffalo wings. They will claim to be but they wont be the same. You need to go to Buffalo.” He says “Ok… well whenever Im in the middle of nowhere USA in Buffalo Ill make sure to eat some. There isn’t anything else out that way to do is there? Besides a bunch of water?” I laughed and said no, not really and said bye. Walking out of the door I was impressed that he knew that there were Falls in Buffalo. Then it hit me… If he thinks BUFFALO is the in the middle of nowhere I don’t want to know what he would think of my hometown! To us Buffalo is a city!! Oh the conversations you have when you are abroad!

I got home and put all my groceries away. Then it was time to vacuum (finally), do the dishes (long overdue), do the laundry, and write my blog. Its almost dinner time (somehow!) and then its time for the shower and reading my book! Tomorrow is another half day so it should be a good day!

Oh I completely forgot… yesterday I went to Isabels for a Sunday Roast dinner! We had lamb, asparagus, beetroot salad, potatoes, stuffing and strawberry/rhubarb crumble! It was so nice. Besides that there wasn’t much to tell. Skyped the parents for Father’s Day and learned that they FINALLY got the tree that had been stuck on another tree for a year down (after getting it stuck like 3 more times!). Glad I wasn’t home to haul all that wood to the barn!

P.S the first picture is an example of Galle's work, the second is the wine glass that I want from Orrefors. they arent available in the states, but they are available in London (only at Harrods). I am accepting donations :)

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