Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lazy Lazy Day

Today I was allowed to be lazy. I had my essay that is due Monday done already and the only thing left to do is my thesis, so I was lazy today! I slept in (that is what Saturdays are for after all!) and had to do ONE thing… go pick up a package that I had missed on Friday. Apparently it was going to be awesome because I had to sign for it. It’s not every day that you have to sign for a package! I got dressed and headed off!

It was quite a ride to the package holding place so I popped my head phones on. I then started thinking… London has changed me! (probably more than just one way!) At home if I had to go out on an errand I would throw on my sweats, my trusty pair of crocs, but my hair in a pony and grab a sweatshirt/t-shirt. Today I had on a dress (that requires a slip because no matter what color underwear, or what kind for that matter, that I wear it is still completely see through), my hairs were all pulled back in a bun and I had a pair of dressy flats on. The only similarity to the home errand outfit and the London errand outfit was that I still had remnants of yesterdays makeup smeared on my eyes. I would have been much better off in sweats and a sweatshirt. It is June and it was 58-60 degrees today with a huge amount of wind. I froze.

After a half an hour or so on the 260 I realized that the scenery did not look familiar. At all. It was when we pulled into a hospital for one of the stops that I realized… I was on the wrong bus. How did I manage that!?? I noticed a 487 bus that said that it ended at Willesden Junction and that was one bus stop beyond where I needed to go. I quickly got off at the next stop and ran across the road to get on the 487. It was cold and I was in a dress freezing. Then I realized that my slip had hiked up around my waist…. I had polka dot undies on… I needed to fix this problem. Basically I did a little shimmy (well quite a few!) and the slip was back to doing its job. I really hope that there is never a hidden camera following me at any point in my life. Awkward things seem to happen to me.

Anyways the bus came and I rode my first ever London single story bus to Willesden Junction. I got off, went to the holding place and there was a huge line. Ok… I got out my kindle and that helped to pass the time! (Side note… Im on book 3 of Game of Thrones. Its good but stressful! I bring my kindle with me wherever I go! It’s the ONE good thing about having a kindle!) I got my package and walked out the door and I see my bus pull away. (btw the bus that I had wanted to take to get my package was 266, not 260. I KNEW that because I have had to get packages a lot but I was being dumb today) I sat down and opened my package… Olympic tickets. My Gold Medal Match for Women’s Soccer. Booyah. When you buy them you don’t get to pick your seat. The bus came really fast though so I had to wait until I was on and seated until I pulled out the actual ticket. I almost leaped out of my seat and ran up and down the aisle… I had the FRONT row of section 103. WOOOoooo! I was pumped. As soon as I got home I looked up Wembley’s seating chart and the “view from your seat”. Not too shabby!! I am so excited!

I didn’t do much the rest of the day so there isn’t much more to tell you. Monday starts my last week of class! I have been waiting for this since Sept. I am beyond excited! (perhaps not as excited though as I am about my seat for the Gold Medal Match!)

P.S my picture today is of my ticket!!! The other is teh seating chart and the last is the view from my seat. I have seat 30 in the front row of the right hand section!!!

1 comment:

  1. As if I wasn't jealous already! Seeing that view is awesome' not to mention you are going to be on tv!!!!! Awesome!!!
