Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Very Long Day

Today was one of those days that were up in the air. Christies is really good at doing leaving you hanging and not having any idea what the day brings until you get there. How frustrating. Thankfully it was the last day that I didn’t know what was going on! I thought that there was a very good chance that we only had a morning class and that the afternoon was free… that was not the case.

This morning was the same old stuff. I got to school and read while I waited for the lecture. The class was on Modern Architecture… I wasn’t too excited but the guy was from UCL so he knew how to lecture which always makes a HUGE difference. I learned stuff and even though I don’t like any of the building I understand the concepts behind them. That is all that counts and matters anyways right? It was a decent morning! In the parish notices before class they informed us that we did indeed have class this afternoon. Figures.

Since I am tired of sitting around for an hour and 45 minutes between class wasting my life, I decided to head over to the Barbican Library during lunch instead of after school. It wasn’t too far away from school and I found it alright. (well not really. I had to ask a random person if I was even in the right building but I was!) I got a library card and it was so nice to see a normal library. I HATE the British Library. You cant check books out and you are basically imprisoned if you want to look at a book. You can bring in a pencil and a notebook. Really?? I WANT THE WARREN HUNTING SMITH LIBRARY! Gah. So anyways I got a library card (that works for the other City of London Libraries) and got 2 books and headed back to school.

I read more when I got back and I was SO happy that there was a turn of events in the Game of Thrones! Woo! Class was really awesome (but extremely long). A guy from the art theft dept of Scotland Yard came in to talk to us. It was really cool, but he was a retired policeman with LOTS of stories that were all very similar. We started class at 1:30 and got out at 4:30. It would have been an even better class if he would have kept it to at least 3:00-3:15. I want to be in the FBI now. :)

I didn’t get home til almost 5. I ate leftovers for dinner because I was too lazy to cook. Then I watched the Euro2012 game Czech vs Portugal. The Czechs were doing SO well but lost steam in the second half and just couldn’t keep up. Of course Ronaldo had to score. He is a gifted player don’t get me wrong, but he is so whiny and arrogant. And I think he spent more time on his hair before the game then I ever spend on my hair! The commentators were making fun of his diving though so that was amusing!

Well Im off to bed. Tomorrow is my VERY. LAST. DAY. Wooo! I am so SO excited. I wont lose sleep over this excitement though! I haven’t been this happy to see the last day of class since High School! (that is saying something for those of you who don’t know how much I LOVED my PCS experience) (again… sarcasm)

P.S the picture is the logo of my future employers! :)

1 comment:

  1. Go for it. Apply to the FBI!!

    And I am glad that you were able to get a regular library card!
