Friday, June 22, 2012

My. Last. Day

Today was it. Finito. Basta. Done. End. FINISHED!!! It was the last day of class. It was such a long and frustrating day. Thank goodness it was the last one! I got up slowly, got ready, hopped on the tube, read and sat down in class to read. All for the LAST time!!! Love it!

This morning’s lecture was really good. I had my doubts because it was all about Surrealism. I was lucky enough that the lecturer was the same guy who gave our lecture on Turner and Claude. He is SO good! He is really funny and engaging. I paid attention for the ENTIRE thing on the last day of class when it was about a subject that I didn’t care about. That’s how good he is! Basically the lecture was all about Freud and sex…. That’s basically what all of art history is about though!

After class we were asked to critique the course and this year. It was a little questionnaire that we had to rank them on a scale for everything. I was honest. Then there was a space for additionally comments and I put that the communication skills needed to be better and the thesis information needed to be better. I thought of 5 other things when I was at lunch and it was too late. Gah!

For lunch today I decided to treat myself and buy lunch from Sainsburys. They have a 3 pound deal that you can get a sandwich, chips and a pop for 3 pounds! I was super hungry and got a salad too… all for 5 pounds! That is better than McDonalds! I came back to Christies to eat my LAST lunch in the lounge and waste an hour and a half waiting for class. I did manage to get salad down my front which was fun. Thankfully Diana told me and let me know!!!

In the afternoon we had a review of the year. It was good, but it could have been 30 mins or so ad it would have been a LOT better. It was about an hour and after Andrew asked if anyone had any questions. Everyone said “when is our thesis due?” and he hemmed and hawed and then said that he would have to look into that and email everyone. Are. You. Freaking. Serious??? REALLY?? Everyone glared at him. Everyone.

After that some of us stayed to hear about the details of going to the Antiques Roadshow. Basically we learned absolutely nothing and he said that he would email us the details. Seriously? So when I walked out of those doors I was more frustrated and annoyed than anything else. What a day.

On the way home I had to stop by the package pick-up place. I took the tube out Willesden Junction, picked up my package and got to the bus stop and then it hit me. The bus drivers were on strike. Crap. So I had to go back to the tube and take the long way home. I glared at the picket line at the bus garage as I walked by. They were striking because they wanted a bigger raise than 500 pounds for working during the Olympics. Really?? They are lucky they are getting a raise!! Another reason I don’t like Unions….

I finally got home and crashed. I had a 34 pound bottle of champagne that I got on sale for 8 pounds (they were running a deal for the diamond jubilee!) and I almost died opening it. It is SCARY to open champagne! Then I made meatballs for the first time and I think I forgot something that mom puts in them, but they still tasted ok! I was happy!

SO Im done. The thing is Im more stressed now about my thesis. GAH! That’s what Im working on this weekend. Sigh.

Off to sleep and I can sleep in forever now!

This made my day so Im passing it on!

P.S Picture is of me outside of Chrisites... aka the ugliest building in London!

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