Friday, June 29, 2012

Not Much New

Well there isn’t anything really new but I decided that I should check in just in case someone was worried that I was stabbed in the Westfield Shopping Mall (really happened… the one in Stafford) or that the murdered that escaped from the North London Prison got me (he really did escape… Im hoping not to meet him!) I just checked the news and they did catch him so I think Im safe. Hopefully they improved their security considering he climbed over the outer wall with a rope. How reassuring!

This week has been glorious… no class. Love it. I have been reading a lot though and today I spent my life looking at flights until I became cross eyed! Still don’t have one. Oh yesterday I had my meeting with my tutor. A complete waste of time. Still no due date on the thesis. SERIOUSLY?? I got the “sometime in the third week of Sept”. Ok Ill hand it in whenever I feel like it then. Also I got no help about a topic, just condescending comments that I haven’t read enough and that if I do work the topic will come to me. I think he thinks that I have no hope of pulling anything decent off although its “such a great topic”. I miss HWS. If anyone has a great idea for a topic feel free to email/message or skype me. Im open to all suggestions. Oh and my uncle gave me complete opposite advice and I trust him WAY more… so Im going to go with what he said!!

Besides my anger with Christies Ed, life has been blissful. I like reading so that isn’t a problem, and I like doing things on my own schedule. Im in London for at least 7 weeks free as a bird (minus my thesis of course!) Im loving it!

Ill try to do better at writing but my life has been unembarrassing, uneventful, and unexciting. Sorry! Off to read Game of Thrones!!! Oh wait… there has been some excitement in my life… Italy beat Germany so it’s the I Azzurri vs El Spaniards. No doubt there who Im cheering for! I did cheer against Italy when they played England but that is only because I live here. I felt like I was cheating on Italy the entire time so Im glad to be back! Oh a depressing note…. Becks got the shaft and isn’t on the English National Team. Poor thing. He was instrumental in bringing the Olympics to London and then they snub him??? That’s low. They should have given him one more Olympics. Sigh.

Ok well that’s it!

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