Friday, June 8, 2012

My Life Is Boring At The Moment

Sorry for not writing yesterday, but I really didn’t have anything interesting to say at all! I don’t really have anything interesting to say today either but I didn’t want to go two days in a row without blogging. I didn’t want people to think that I had abandoned it!!

Yesterday was boring. Especially after the once in a lifetime experience of a Diamond Jubilee. Life was back to normal and that meant another day of class. The lecturer was James, who had done the lecture on Van Gogh so I was happy that at least he was good and would tell us what we need to know in a logical way. The problem was I hate cubism. And Picasso for that matter. I know I know… an art history person needs to like Picasso. It’s never going to happen. SOME of his things are ok… but eh. Not my favorite.

So I lived through class and then ran out to do some Father’s Day shopping. I can’t give details because dad reads this but I think he will like what I got!! (hopefully!) I ran errands all over the city and of course it had to pour. It rains all the time. I believe it now… London in spring = rain and grey skies. It does not feel like June. It feels like April! I guess I shouldn’t complain because at least it is in the 60’s so Im not freezing when it rains! That is a plus!

Today was even more boring than yesterday!! Class today was torture. It was one of those classes that you would rather be hitting your head against the wall. I kept spacing out and missing chunks of what he was saying. Oh I forgot to tell you… the lecture was by Andrew (that was half of the problem… he style of lecturing induces sleep) and it was on… Russian Art. We haven’t had any Russian art so his lecture was completely out of context and he didn’t connect the art to the Western art that we have been studying. I think he connected one of the points to Matisse and that was it. So we saw images flash by and literally got a laundry list of artists. Why?? OH and we saw a stupid black square that is supposed to be a huge thing in the history of art. Ill try to find a picture on google for you. Basically this guy decided that he had transcended and perfected art. Well I feel like you need to define “art” before you can say that you brought “art” to its perfect end. I hate modern art.

So that was my day. I came home and have been puttering away around my flat, took a nap and have everything ready for a huge study session tomorrow! Woo! Sorry my life is so boring now! It probably will be until my test and paper are finished (june 15th!)

P.S todays picture is the flyover for the Queen and I did find the stupid black square. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I do not even know what the black square is? Sorry. It looks boring.

    And it is okay if your life is boring! Sometimes that is a good thing! Haha.
