Monday, June 25, 2012

Frustrating Afernoon and a BUSY day!

First of all I should start off with Sunday’s events!! The day was boring as I got up late, puttered around the house and skyped the parents. Nothing really to discuss there. Then I decided to get the grocery shopping over with. I walk out of the door and a van hits a puddle and my legs get wet. Really?? Its just as bad as it looks in the movies. Honestly I should taken that as a sign and went back in the door and given up. Instead I kept going. I get to Sainsburys and it’s a ZOO. EVERYONE in Willesden Green is there and the shelves are EMPTY. I needed chicken and there wasn’t any. Ok… cool. Looks like I am going to have to come back anyways later this week to get chicken. After I got everything I went and stood in line for ages. When I finally got up to the conveyor belt I decided to get situated and get out my wallet like I always do before putting my stuff up. I didn’t have my wallet. Awesome. I was so mad. I went around and put everything back. SO much for getting groceries. The night ended with me reaching up for some pasta, having the bag open and all the pasta raining down on my head. It was fun.

Today (Monday) was busy, busy, busy! I got up and headed for the National Gallery to see the Queen, Art and Image exhibit. It was really really good! They broke down her image by decade and what was going on in her life that influenced her image. It was good and well thought. Then I was off to Christies library to copy some pages out of a book for my thesis. Then I printed and color coated my bibliography and headed to Sainsburys to buy lunch (because I had nothing in my house thanks to yesterday’s grocery fiasco!) Then I headed to the Barbican library. I was really confused that I was only finding half of my books. I looked everything back up in the catalog and noticed that some “Stack”. Hmmm….. While I was checking out the books I did manage to find I asked and the guy said that I need to request them and they only go down twice a day. Awesome. I headed home, spent the night reading and that’s about it. Excitement.

I may start blogging every other day since I am going to spend my days reading and researching. We shall see… Ill keep you posted!

P.S this picture just looked summery

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the disaster of a day. Sounds like a day in my world! Hope that your day has gotten better!
