Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Last Tuesday

My last Tuesday wasn’t all that exciting. The morning routine was the same… yell at my alarm, bash it a dozen times, get dressed, pack my bag, attempt to eat my wheaties before they got soggy (epic fail) and run out the door. I keep stopping at Sainsburys on the way home from class but today I saw my wallet and left it at home on purpose. No matter how badly I may want to stop in I couldn’t. Im not sending any money that I don’t NEED to spend! I would love a job….

It was a nice day out thankfully. I was wishing that I had worn my dress today and not my jeans, but it was nice to be warm by the time I got to the ube instead of freezing! I could actually feel the sun’s heat! Amazing! The ride in was normal. I read the entire time (Im still hooked on Game of Thrones) I got to class, read some more, chatted and then learned that today was not a half day after all. I KNEW that. I had it down in my planner. Gah! As the lights were going down for Paddi’s lecture I decided I would have to go to Sainsburys and get a sandwich. Halfway through the lecture I realized that for the FIRST time ALL year I had left my wallet at home. On purpose. What a good idea that was. I wasn’t going to get lunch after all.

Class was actually interesting! Paddi talked about Art Deco and I liked the stuff. The States are finally entering into the lecture which is nice. I feel like I know nothing about American art!! I have decided that I like Art Deco.. some of it is crazy but some of it is really cool too. It also looked like a fun era… and unlike every other style we have looked at I could go back in a time machine and live. They had running water, took baths, and weren’t the Victorians! It was all about the glamour and the exciting new technologies! We looked at Hollywood, ocean liners and cars. I loved it!

After class I sat in the common room smelling the aromas of other peoples yummy lunches. I read to distract myself and chatted some. I told someone that I play soccer… like present tense. Don’t know what I was thinking since I haven’t played on a team in a game in 4 years now. How depressing is that. It wasn’t until I was asked what position and said “striker” did I realize that I didn’t play anymore and I was instead completely out of shape. I rally want to try the P90x thing and get back into shape!!! Thankfully we only had to wait until 1pm today and not 1:30! The afternoon session was about researching in archives so it was helpful. He gave us a list of resources which ended up being the most helpful, but it was worth sitting through an hour of that to get the list!

I came home and ate my weight in food, picked up, and did some research. Now its time for dinner, shower, more research and then reading more of my book. I have to bribe myself with it otherwise nothing else will ever get done! There isn’t anything like a good book!

P>S the picture is of me back in the day when I did play soccer! (im out of London ones...)

1 comment:

  1. You must have been so hungry by the time you got home. I hate when I forget lunch :(. I am sure that you did eat a ton when you got home!

    Once your back in th e states you should join an adult soccer league!
