Monday, June 4, 2012

Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee

It is not every day that one gets to celebrate a monarch’s 60th year on the throne. Actually the last one that Britain celebrated was in 1897 and that was Queen Victoria. The next time this has a chance of happening will be Will and Kate’s future offspring. If Will was to get the crown tomorrow he would have to live to be 90, and he isn’t going to get the crown tomorrow! Personally Im rooting for Queen Elizabeth II to reach her platinum jubilee (70 years). She will have to make it until 96… I think she has it in there. If she doesn’t I at least hope she beats out Queen Victoria. Wouldn’t that be something!

I woke up to pouring down rain. Woo. I didn’t let that stop me though! I was still excited and ready to go! I was also hoping that the rain would deter some people from heading out. Not so sure that happened! By the time I left the rain had stopped, but it was still a bit nippy out. The tube was pretty full as we got closer and closer to the river. EVERYONE (including myself) got off at Westminster. I had wanted to avoid it, but it was my most direct route. Sigh. It actually wasn’t bad because everyone exited the station to head up to the river (dummies). I was switching trains to meet Freya at Sloane Square.

I met up with Freya and we headed down to the river. It was a zoo. The crowd was WAY bigger than any crowd I had ever seen at the Macys Day parade! I guess this river parade hadn’t happened since 1660… but still!! We picked a spot right in front of the screen that would later show the live feed and we were the 4th row from the front. We were smart to pick a spot with a close up view of the screen because right after we arrived they started to play old film of the queen. It was a lot of fun, and it entertained Ms. Impatient. (Actually I have gotten better at waiting for things! The 3 hours flew by!) There was the cutest little girl who thought that a family’s laberdoodle was the funniest thing ever. She would walk up to it and SHRIEK with laughter. The dog got bored with that game pretty quickly!

The excitement started at 2 when the royal family was arriving at their dock to get on the barge. It actually wasn’t all that far from us. We were at the Chelsea Embankment so we were pretty close to the beginning of everything. The barge with the bells that rang to start the procession was RIGHT in front of us! Anyways being there to watch the live feed with everyone was worth the journey alone. Everyone literally gasped and started cheering when the camera cut to Kate. The red was stunning!

No one seemed to really care about Charles and Camilla, but when the Queen arrived everyone starting cheering. There were some outbreaks of “God Save the Queen” and everyone was getting really excited! We watched the live feed until the barge in front of us started moving. It was at this moment that we all became sardines. I could bent my legs up and I would have been supported by the crowd!

We watched the boats all go by and everyone was cheering but we were all really just waiting for the Royal Barge. Then people started going crazy and we knew that it was coming. Suddenly we were even more squished, flags were going crazy, God Save the Queen was being sung and then the barge was there!! I knew my pictures weren’t going to come out that well because no one was standing still. Everyone was on their toes and hopping up and down!! I snapped a few, but focused on staring at them and getting a mental picture!!

After the barge went by things calmed down. A lot of people behind/around us left and we could breathe again. We spent the remainder of the parade watching the river and then the live feed. There were some gaps in the boats so it was fun to watch the tv also. (the Queen seemed to LOVE the War Horse that was on the building for her) It was fun to see all the boats! We were determined to stay until the end, even when it started to rain and all of the umbrellas went up. When is started pouring we threw in the towel. I think we were really close to the end though! We watched Tower Bridge open for the Queen and then we started back to the tube stop.

We trudged through the wind and rain and discussed how every time Freya and I do something it is cold, wet, and windy! We got to the tube station and there was a mass of umbrellas just hanging out. This cannot be good! The place was swamped so they were closing the doors and letting people in a little bit at a time. Awesome. Freya and I checked out the bus map and I decided to take a bus up to Green Park Station. We parted ways and I headed to my bus stop. There was a mob there. Oh great. The 452 bus pulled up and people started shoving to get on. Im so glad I didn’t need that one! I had no chance of getting my bus though because I wasn’t anywhere near the bus stop so when the bus pulled up I would be at the back door (which doesn’t let people on) and I would have to get in line and I would never make it. Then I had a streak of luck. The 22 was pulling up behind the 452 and the front door stopped right by me! I hopped on before anyone else had pushed their way down to the door yet. I was lucky because the driver only let like 10 people on!

I eventually made it to Green Park, went into the station, down the escalator, turned the corner and became a part of the mob. Oh jeez! I was mean and sneaky and walked around the side of the mob and ended up near the front of the clump. After a few minutes they let a chunk of us go down. The train had just opened its doors and it was a jam. People couldn’t get off because the platform was so full, and people could get on. It was a mess. I walked along the very edge of the platform as soon as the train doors closed and hoped I wouldn’t end up on the tracks. I snuck by though and got to the end of the platform where there were barely any people! A train came really fast and it was PACKED. I managed to squeeze on and I was on my home! Phew! All that to see the Queen!

I just chilled the rest of the night which was nice. I was damp and cold from my adventure so I drank a few gallons of tea! I considered the day a success!!! I felt like I was cheating on my country! Today made me want to be British! You cant help getting swept in everything! I have two more opportunities for a Queen sighting so I am pretty excited!

Cups of Tea: Lost count a LONG time ago!
Royal Sighting….. ONE!!!!!!!!

P.S As previously promised… a picture of the Queen!

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