Saturday, June 2, 2012

Prepping for the Excitement!

Today is my chill day/get stuff done around my flat day before the excitement begins tomorrow!! I woke up at 10 which I was beyond excited about! I woke on without an alarm AND didn’t waste me day. That is talent! I got up and made a copious amount of tea which was delicious. Then I did something CRAZY… I did homework 45 minutes after getting up and finished it within 15 minutes. Score. I basically rocked my Saturday morning.

There are some moments that I end up wondering if I should have picked a different discipline in college. I had another one of these moments while laying on my stomach, sprawled out looking at the very dusty underside of my couch. This happens to be the second time this week that I have been in the exact same position because this was the second time that I tripped over my Janson’s History of Art book had literally fallen on my face. This time was better than the earlier trip that I had taken. This time I smashed into the chair that I use as a coffee table, which in turn smashed into my drying rack which of course had to land on my back. I should have been an English major. They just have lots of little novels lying around, not a 6 inch thick, 13 inch long, 8 inch wide brick. I should have thought of such things 5 years ago when I sat down in my East Asian Art class. At least I didn’t pick science… those books are almost as big but cost 100’s of dollars. At least mine are usually around 100!

Besides my introduction to the underside of my couch, the morning was good and productive! It wasn’t until after I cleaned that I noticed that I was still in my pjs! Oops! To take a mini break I watched a really good tribute to the queen on the BBC1 player. It was Charles showing home videos of his life growing up. I liked it! (made me wish I was royal and born in the 50’s. What great fashion since they had back then! Lets go back to that!)

Some random thoughts that I have had this morning while downing gallons of tea… First of all music. This may sound pathetic to those of you who are a bit older but I really miss the radio. To hear what the new music is I go on Itunes and play the first minute and a half of the top 10 songs. (the 1min 30secs are free!) I am so behind and would love some new tunes! Thankfully Rascal Flatts has put out a new album and my mom gave me a itunes giftcard so I could buy it! It has gotten me through!

I want a pet. Yeah not the best time in the world to adopt one, but Ill be home around here for 2 months! I could potty train a kitty! Too bad it would have to survive a flight home. And I don’t even know if my landlord allows pets. Small, tiny details! I would want a dog, but Im sorry… Im not picking up its poo. That’s just weird. I would have to invent a poo catcher for dogs. Why don’t they have poo catchers for canines?? Horses have them! Maybe that’s what I could do… save dog owners everywhere and go down in history as a poo catcher inventor! Anyways… I would go for a kitty but Im not allowed to.

For the past year I have had one foot in the real world, and one foot into the “im still a baby” world. I quite like it. I have money appearing in my account (yes I know… I do have to pay it back eventually), I live on my own, do what I want when I want, eat whatever I want for meals, clean when I want to clean and am not told what to do. I love this in-between world living. I have responsibilities but they aren’t too horrible! I like my new found freedom! When I go back and live at home (for a amount of time that will be as SHORT as humanly possible) it wont be fun. Except… mom feeds me. That is nice. But there is no going back. Im 23 and am officially old enough to make my own decisions. How exciting is that? Whats not so exciting is getting independent money wise. Well it is actually… just a wee bit daunting.

Cell phones… another thing I have thought about today. When I first arrived I would stare at my phone and think “why aren’t you doing anything?” and be constantly checking it although I knew that nothing was going to happen. Ill admit… I was a wee bit obsessed. Now when my phone goes off I think “what is that” and remember that I have one. I leave home without it a lot. Not even on purpose, but its just something I don’t even think about anymore. Most of my calls go to voicemail because I rarely remember to turn the sound on after class. I cant believe Im saying this but.. I LIKE it. I don’t know what is happening to me! Maybe its because I HATE my cheap phone and miss my droid, or I don’t have many friends so no one ever calls. Whatever it is I am getting used to not having one. The only thing I really miss is uploading pictures from my phone to facebook, just so I can show followers back home something cool. But even facebook and uploading pictures from a phone will feel weird once Im in the states. Facebook has lost its charm. I love it for keeping in touch while Im over here, but once Im back home I feel like it will fall by the wayside. And do I want a phone when I come home? Verizon seems like a bigger crook than they were when I left. The plans here are NO where near as ridiculous as they are back home. If 20 pounds (30 dollars) here can get you unlimited texts, 450 minutes and unlimited internet why is it $80 in the states? The point of having internet on your phone is becoming more and more unclear to me. Especially for that much money. $960 dollars a year to be able to upload a picture to facebook and be able to be reached anywhere?? No thanks….

Well after all the random stuff I think Ill end your torture (if you made it this far!) its 4:30 and somehow I haven’t started my study guides yet. GAH! And I have to go to bed early tonight to be ready for my Queen sighting!! Woo!!!!

P.s The picture is of my old room at the Dragon Lady's house. My how time flies... Hopefully tomorrow's picture will be of the QUEEN!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, quite the post! Ohhhh where to start...

    First of all I am very impressed that you got up without an alarm! And I hope that you are not too bruised! Looks like you are just as much of a clutz as I am! Sorry but the imagery was so good that you had me chuckeling at you. Lol.

    I understand what you mean by music! I love the radio and Internet radios!

    When you come home you are more than welcome to have both of my kitties! They are even potty trained!

    Yeah, I don't see the need for the Internet on my phone. But we will be checking into the plans through Walmart because they use Verizon towers. Plans are crazy through Verizon though!

    I hope to see a picture of the queen!
